Gear Questions from a Newbi

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Drostanolone propionate 75mg
Testosterone propionate 75mg
Trenbolone acetate 75mg


This is what I will soon be taking. I was wondering If I will need PCT. Do I Need Liv-52 During the cycle and Nolvadex After the Cycle?

Thinking about doing 3ml/week 1ml-m/w/f and after a few weeks increasing to 4.5ml/week at 1.5ml-m/w/f.

Should I do it like that or keep it at a steady ammount the whole time?

How would you use 40ml of that stack?

Got a few more ?'s...
Doin some searching and found test without any ester.

What are the different esters for? From my understanding some are for bulking and others for cutting.
What would pure test do for you?
You would use Nolvadex so you keep your gains right or is it so you start producing test naturally again?

:show: <--- Will this be me after/during my cycle?
Here what you should do your first cycle. Test Enathate or Test Cypionate 200-500mg/wk. Shot it once a week, and do it for 8-10 weeks. Will be glad you did. Hell even I can gain just off that. Keep it simple! Your making things to hard on yourself.
Im tryan to cut tho, thats called the "rip blend 225" above. Dose that mean Cypionate and Enathate esters are for bulking? I already ordered the above so its what im stuck with. Could s4/3 it if i had to.
Im tryan to cut tho, thats called the "rip blend 225" above. Dose that mean Cypionate and Enathate esters are for bulking? I already ordered the above so its what im stuck with. Could s4/3 it if i had to.

bro, maybe your not ready to dip into the dark side. The reason I say that is everyone who is a vet on this board knows that there isnt cutting AAS or bulking AAS. Honeslty bro, I could diet off of cyp or enth, or hell d bol or anadrol. Why, because diet and cardio gets you lean, not AAS. All AAS do is keep your muscle on, better. If you dont eat right, no amount AAS or clen/t3 will get you very lean. I mean you might get a tad leaner, but not ripped to the bone, or hell even looking decent (if your diet is shit). Dont take this to hard, but I honestly dont think your ready to do this. Research some more, save your money up. Buy books, read the net, ask questions. Take your time bro. What do you weigh now, how much training have you done over the years ? What do you eat ? How much do you eat ? What is your training like ? ect, ect...tell us more about ya .
bro, maybe your not ready to dip into the dark side. The reason I say that is everyone who is a vet on this board knows that there isnt cutting AAS or bulking AAS. Honeslty bro, I could diet off of cyp or enth, or hell d bol or anadrol. Why, because diet and cardio gets you lean, not AAS. All AAS do is keep your muscle on, better. If you dont eat right, no amount AAS or clen/t3 will get you very lean. I mean you might get a tad leaner, but not ripped to the bone, or hell even looking decent (if your diet is shit). Dont take this to hard, but I honestly dont think your ready to do this. Research some more, save your money up. Buy books, read the net, ask questions. Take your time bro. What do you weigh now, how much training have you done over the years ? What do you eat ? How much do you eat ? What is your training like ? ect, ect...tell us more about ya .

I agree 110%. If you're diet isn't spot on, AAS will not make a difference, it's not a miracle worker, there's so much more than just taking a shot to getting bigger, stronger, leaner. I'd say you're a good year away from taking the plunge in my opinion. Too many people think just because I take this or that I'm going to get huge or lean. That's not how it works. The diet is the single most important thing when bulking or cutting. Not the AAS. Like Chris said, you can take Dbol and still be shredded if your diet is what it should be. The reason I say you're probably a year away is simply because if you really focused on your diet and training combo for a year, you'll be far above where you're at now. But this is just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth.
These guys are on point bro. Tren is not something I have every used and Ive done several cycles as well as did research for over 5 years before a pin ever went in. Tren is not something you need on a first run in my opinion. If you run what nuk said and eat right you could be lean and gain 10 to 25 pounds no problem and not get bloated. You will need pct on anything just about. Anytime you put a hormone and even some anabolics there will be natural test production halted. We aren't trying to be dicks but to try and keep you safe and help you get the most out of your money bro.
bro, we are not trying to down grade ya or put ya down. I understand where your comign from. I was a newbie a long time ago to. but we are just trying to keep you safe, and not do harm to yourself. Ive had medical issues in the past, and im an open honest person. I would hate to see anything happen to you. Keep it simple stupid ....KISS .... if your set on doing it...get one vial of 300mg test cyp or enth. do 1 ml everyweek (say monday) and do that for 10 weeks. then do clomid at 100mg for 7 days, then 50mg for 7 days. see how you feel. I would bet I could get you to gain 10 lbs of solid muscle, plus lose fat. if you did what I told you to do...
bro, we are not trying to down grade ya or put ya down. I understand where your comign from. I was a newbie a long time ago to. but we are just trying to keep you safe, and not do harm to yourself. Ive had medical issues in the past, and im an open honest person. I would hate to see anything happen to you. Keep it simple stupid ....KISS .... if your set on doing it...get one vial of 300mg test cyp or enth. do 1 ml everyweek (say monday) and do that for 10 weeks. then do clomid at 100mg for 7 days, then 50mg for 7 days. see how you feel. I would bet I could get you to gain 10 lbs of solid muscle, plus lose fat. if you did what I told you to do...

Like he said man, not trying to put you down. If you decide it's something you want to do, we'll all be here to give you any info you want/need. Although we all suggest you don't do it. But if you listen to Chris, he definitely won't steer you wrong!!