Gen X HGH question


New member
Has anyone on here used any HGH that gen x has? What is your opinion on it?It seems prices are coming down a little since last time I thought about giving it a go. thanks
I am currently using it.. at 5iu's ED = (35iu's per week) maintenance dose.. I will kicking her up to 8iu's per day.. and.. oh YAH it's a whopper.. Wrists are a little stiff, fingers a tingly as a mutha at this dose.. but all in all I feel GREAT !! I love it !! Yellow Tops are Definitely pretty goddarned decent IMO.

As soon as these are gone I am thinking of giving GLOTROPIN a whirl though.. just because I keep hearing all the rave about it.. but then I think to myself.. well IF something aint broke.. why fix it.. so I will probably just stick with Syntrom because it is definitely by far my fave !!
Hahahaha, umm sorry bro.. NO, that will not do a DAMN THING.. unless of course you are 55+ years of age.. then that would almost be basic replacement... 2iu's Everyday is typical replacement for an older male..
I am currently using it.. at 5iu's ED = (35iu's per week) maintenance dose.. I will kicking her up to 8iu's per day.. and.. oh YAH it's a whopper.. Wrists are a little stiff, fingers a tingly as a mutha at this dose.. but all in all I feel GREAT !! I love it !! Yellow Tops are Definitely pretty goddarned decent IMO.

As soon as these are gone I am thinking of giving GLOTROPIN a whirl though.. just because I keep hearing all the rave about it.. but then I think to myself.. well IF something aint broke.. why fix it.. so I will probably just stick with Syntrom because it is definitely by far my fave !!

Let me know about the Glotropin... I am curious as well and always looking for something different.... Thanks.
Would some types of GH be more potent than others? I finally got my hands on IP Somatropin from my doc. Is that possibly more or less potent than others so one would have to use more or less iu per day?
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If you got prescription strength GH .. then yah you got DECENT stuff for sure.. haha, we would love to have that.. honestly.. less than 3-4iu's ED is useless.. what are your goals? How long do you plan to be on? Stats? How long you been lifting? Why are YOU wanting to use GH? all stuff that we would need to know to assist you bro.
Well it came from my doc but that was the same doc that had BD we talked about iny other post. Lol so I'm hoping that this stuff is good. He said it was generic. It wasn't cheap I know that. I'm wanting to use as low of a dose I can to still get good benifits for six months worth. Want to make the dollar go as far as possible but not make the GH worthelss because to low of a dose.
I know deuce is very experienced from reading his post but I think with the time you mentioned you are on the right track. I now several others on here have ran it for like six months so I will give you a bump to get some more answers for you.
you always have to sign, atleast everyone i know says they always have to sign. I guess thats just how it is bro. let us know how you like it, im sure its good if its like all their other stuff
Sign for Genx? I've never had to personally sign for it. Maybe the people at the UPS store sign for me.
I've used them before bout a year ago and had a dozen packages and never had to sign. Maybe it's only with hgh? On a side note I do have to say I hope this hgh is good as the generic I've been using. I've used 300iu so far at 4iu a day and I'm on 600mgs of test and I've got my strength up where it was at the end of my cycle with test @ 600 deca @ 400 and a four week oral. My body is growing like a teenager but the Fat loss is very minimal. Over all it is the best experience with supplements and it's been three months or so.
finally ordered my genx hgh, only problem so far was I had to go sign for it at the post office! It was sent registered! Why?!
I had to sign for my icyplex today. I asked genx and they said it happens every so often, but you do have to sign for their hgh and igf.
its great stuff for sure. 4-5iu ed for a year is nice with blastes of a couple months at a time while on the yr run of 7-8iu ed. say 2mo cruse 2 month blast - repeat ect.

good stuff for sure.