genetics, even the best still do high doses.

I dont think i can absorb that much test honestly. Im starting to have bp problems with longer cycles. I guess they combat this with bp meds.
yeah, I hear stuff all the time at big shows...Like for example that one top 5 mr.o, was taking 4 grams of test per week, 8 iu's of hgh per day, ect, ect...2 grams of test, almost seems to be normal now...Hell, back in the day, if a guy was taking 1000mg of test, we thought that was alot...not anymore I guess...

Speaking of Mr O i know guys in the top 10 who take 500mcgs of IGF-1 daily split up in 100mcgs 5 times a day. So they are going through 1 whole bottle every 2 days!

Yes you read that right, 1 bottle every 2 days!

Pretty sure i posted this info before though maybe not public but i think i talked to chris and some others about it when we were talking about this subject before and were more specific about what guys

anyways yeah im not surprised at all!
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Speaking of Mr O i know guys in the top 10 who take 500mcgs of IGF-1 daily split up in 100mcgs 5 times a day. So they are going through 1 whole bottle every 2 days!

Yes you read that right, 1 bottle every 2 days!

Pretty sure i posted this info before though maybe not public but i think i talked to chris and some others about it when we were talking about this subject before and were more specific about what guys

anyways yeah im not surprised at all!

oh yeah, I remember...I have heard of guys using 1000mcg's every day for periods of time...Yes, one whole bottle..
Speaking of Mr O i know guys in the top 10 who take 500mcgs of IGF-1 daily split up in 100mcgs 5 times a day. So they are going through 1 whole bottle every 2 days!

Yes you read that right, 1 bottle every 2 days!

Pretty sure i posted this info before though maybe not public but i think i talked to chris and some others about it when we were talking about this subject before and were more specific about what guys

anyways yeah im not surprised at all!


man i think im good at 70mcg and prob will go to 100mcg ed to try it out as alot seem to like it.
im still new to igf-1lr3 but even i know 500mcg sounds CRAZY! lol

at the new year im bumpting my test to around 1400-1600mg ew and throwing in trenE 300mg ew and 50mg proviron ed.
i really dont see the need for 8ml EOD lol fukin nutz.
but hey as i get bigger ill prob bump it to 2-3g EW

ohh yah HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sport:
i think alot of that gear/peptides are getting wasted running at dosages that high.
I sure dont notice a difference between 50mcg igf/day and 100mcg.
Funny. I know they are running crap loads of gear. They are eating ten pounds of food, have great genetics, and taking tons of everything. I think the top levels guys are really the ones who have the best genetics and are willing to risk the most health wise as well. I remember when Tom Prince was running up the ranks and boom kidney failure.
I'm a member on another board where most of the guys compete. The popular census is to blast and cruise and take enough test to grow. A lot of them don't go over 500mgs a week unless there a lean 280. They blast at 500mgs then cruise for a couple weeks at 200mgs for 2-3 weeks then blast again. I'm currently between 245 and 250 and don't grow much faster using 600mgs vs. 900mgs a week. Every week I gain weight and every week I lift more than the previous week. I think the key is diet and recuperation.
From listening to heavy muscle radio with Dave Palumbo, Of Topic with CArl Lenore and No Bull Radio on Md before Dave and John left most of the top National level guys and some of the first hand gossip was that guys are doing probably 4-5 grams of AAS and 5-10 iu of GH. More GH if they can afford. Nasser supposedly would do 10 grams of test a week. Dave Pulsinella would do 4-5 grams of aas and 5 iu of GH a day. Jimmy the Bull, the stron man act guy from MetRX in the 90s would do 800 mg Test C, 200 mg of suspension a day and 2 anadrol a day. On top of that before a big strength exibition he would double his anadrol. That's nearly 3 grams a week and more before his strength stuff. Then you have guys like Bob Paris and Tom Platz who claim that they did very little stuff. Even Tom Prince claimed to do very little comparatively. Something like 2 grams tops with GH just before contest. Of course he claimed most of the kidney damage was from NSAIDs. Mike Matarazzo, the pro who had a heart attack in his late 30s never mentioned amounts but the way he talked the amounts were huge and exotic especially before contest. Mike Quinn never used Test but would use deca, primo winstrol and halo before contest. He was before GH really. He's still huge and from what I understand just got on TRT recently. He's naturally a big guy and it runs in his family. I know an amatuer natural Mr. Wold from the late 80s that never touched an anabolic steroid and he had 20 inch arms at 5'5". Some guys are just genetic freaks. I new another guy that only competed a couple of times. He was naturally a gifted BBer and he would do practically nothing and blow up. I remember him doing 15 mg of dianabol a day and he grew so fast he tore a calf muscle. Some guys just grow on almost nothing. Some guys can hardly grow on 2.5 grams a week. Some guys can get to near pro taking a s@#t ton of gear b/c their body's can somehoe take it. The average guy will have problems trying to handle 4 grams of gear and he probably won't get what he's looking for out of it. In my opinion AAS are great but most of us should probably take ou 1/2 a gram or gram of stuff and be the best BBer we can be and forget about being Jay or Ronnie or Kai.
From listening to heavy muscle radio with Dave Palumbo, Of Topic with CArl Lenore and No Bull Radio on Md before Dave and John left most of the top National level guys and some of the first hand gossip was that guys are doing probably 4-5 grams of AAS and 5-10 iu of GH. More GH if they can afford. Nasser supposedly would do 10 grams of test a week. Dave Pulsinella would do 4-5 grams of aas and 5 iu of GH a day. Jimmy the Bull, the stron man act guy from MetRX in the 90s would do 800 mg Test C, 200 mg of suspension a day and 2 anadrol a day. On top of that before a big strength exibition he would double his anadrol. That's nearly 3 grams a week and more before his strength stuff. Then you have guys like Bob Paris and Tom Platz who claim that they did very little stuff. Even Tom Prince claimed to do very little comparatively. Something like 2 grams tops with GH just before contest. Of course he claimed most of the kidney damage was from NSAIDs. Mike Matarazzo, the pro who had a heart attack in his late 30s never mentioned amounts but the way he talked the amounts were huge and exotic especially before contest. Mike Quinn never used Test but would use deca, primo winstrol and halo before contest. He was before GH really. He's still huge and from what I understand just got on TRT recently. He's naturally a big guy and it runs in his family. I know an amatuer natural Mr. Wold from the late 80s that never touched an anabolic steroid and he had 20 inch arms at 5'5". Some guys are just genetic freaks. I new another guy that only competed a couple of times. He was naturally a gifted BBer and he would do practically nothing and blow up. I remember him doing 15 mg of dianabol a day and he grew so fast he tore a calf muscle. Some guys just grow on almost nothing. Some guys can hardly grow on 2.5 grams a week. Some guys can get to near pro taking a s@#t ton of gear b/c their body's can somehoe take it. The average guy will have problems trying to handle 4 grams of gear and he probably won't get what he's looking for out of it. In my opinion AAS are great but most of us should probably take ou 1/2 a gram or gram of stuff and be the best BBer we can be and forget about being Jay or Ronnie or Kai.

I would love to know what the food intake of all these guys was, especially the 5'5" guy and the guy who tore his calf.
From listening to heavy muscle radio with Dave Palumbo, Of Topic with CArl Lenore and No Bull Radio on Md before Dave and John left most of the top National level guys and some of the first hand gossip was that guys are doing probably 4-5 grams of AAS and 5-10 iu of GH. More GH if they can afford. Nasser supposedly would do 10 grams of test a week. Dave Pulsinella would do 4-5 grams of aas and 5 iu of GH a day. Jimmy the Bull, the stron man act guy from MetRX in the 90s would do 800 mg Test C, 200 mg of suspension a day and 2 anadrol a day. On top of that before a big strength exibition he would double his anadrol. That's nearly 3 grams a week and more before his strength stuff. Then you have guys like Bob Paris and Tom Platz who claim that they did very little stuff. Even Tom Prince claimed to do very little comparatively. Something like 2 grams tops with GH just before contest. Of course he claimed most of the kidney damage was from NSAIDs. Mike Matarazzo, the pro who had a heart attack in his late 30s never mentioned amounts but the way he talked the amounts were huge and exotic especially before contest. Mike Quinn never used Test but would use deca, primo winstrol and halo before contest. He was before GH really. He's still huge and from what I understand just got on TRT recently. He's naturally a big guy and it runs in his family. I know an amatuer natural Mr. Wold from the late 80s that never touched an anabolic steroid and he had 20 inch arms at 5'5". Some guys are just genetic freaks. I new another guy that only competed a couple of times. He was naturally a gifted BBer and he would do practically nothing and blow up. I remember him doing 15 mg of dianabol a day and he grew so fast he tore a calf muscle. Some guys just grow on almost nothing. Some guys can hardly grow on 2.5 grams a week. Some guys can get to near pro taking a s@#t ton of gear b/c their body's can somehoe take it. The average guy will have problems trying to handle 4 grams of gear and he probably won't get what he's looking for out of it. In my opinion AAS are great but most of us should probably take ou 1/2 a gram or gram of stuff and be the best BBer we can be and forget about being Jay or Ronnie or Kai.

interesting (good) post.

my only quarrel would be with this 'natural' guy who's 5'5 with 20 inch arms. that's more than being a 'genetic freak;' that's breaking through the bounds of the plausible. i simply can't fathom it.
well depends really..i have hooked many of them up and a ton of them resell of course

i know if a top 10 ifbb guy wanted to use my company for a contest year, he would not pay 1 $ lol

Just out of curiosity, why would you hook up a pro BB? I'm not trying to be a dick if that's what it sounds like. I guess what I mean is that, since steroids are illegal and most pros don't publicly admit to using them, how can they help you out? Usually a sponsorship is a two way street right?
Or do you just do it cause you are a super nice guy, lol!
I can't imagine a top 10 pro using much if any UG anything. Why would you?

If I had the money they pull I'd never go lower than U.S. vet-grade (think eq, tren, etc.).

Unless I stumble upon a pro who tells me otherwise, I'll assume most stay a mile away from UGs.

Wouldn't you?

One man's opinion ...