genetics, even the best still do high doses.

I can't imagine a top 10 pro using much if any UG anything. Why would you?

If I had the money they pull I'd never go lower than U.S. vet-grade (think eq, tren, etc.).

Unless I stumble upon a pro who tells me otherwise, I'll assume most stay a mile away from UGs.

Wouldn't you?

One man's opinion ...

Well, I don't know, but this is my reasoning:
First off, I'm not sure how much money pros really make. I believe only the top few percent actually make a decent living out of BB by itself. So I would suspect that many of them can't afford HG gear, especially at the doses they may be taking.
Now certainly if it were me, and I actually was making a ton of cash, I would certainly prefer some HG gear.

Also, if they are like most of us, they probably got started using UG stuff and maybe don't feel the need to switch? Especially if they have relationships with labs and get free stuff.

I don't know the answers to any of this obviously, just conjecturing and playing devils advocate a little.
Well, I don't know, but this is my reasoning:
First off, I'm not sure how much money pros really make. I believe only the top few percent actually make a decent living out of BB by itself. So I would suspect that many of them can't afford HG gear, especially at the doses they may be taking.
Now certainly if it were me, and I actually was making a ton of cash, I would certainly prefer some HG gear.

Also, if they are like most of us, they probably got started using UG stuff and maybe don't feel the need to switch? Especially if they have relationships with labs and get free stuff.

I don't know the answers to any of this obviously, just conjecturing and playing devils advocate a little.
I can tell you this..... ANY pro makes a shit-ton more money than I do, and I can afford HG, so Im not buying that for one minute. Maybe they don't all make what Mr. O makes, but they dont starve. I saw an interview Palumbo was doing with Kai, and they were saying Kai didn't even have a car?!! ARE you fucking kidding me?? I know loser, fuck-up, drug addicts that have cars, but Kai fucking Greene doesn't??! Kai Greene?! I find that Impossible to believe.
You guys both make good points. And until one of us stumbles upon a top 10 pro who suddenly wants to share their drug history with us, we'll all be left to speculate.

But H8t makes a real strong point: $700 will get you 200 high quality human sus-250 amps . And as long as they buy in bulk, they'll pay even less. The high dollar items are usually the exotics, HGH, and/or peptides. For a 5 month mega-dosed, muti gram/week cycle, I bet it be 5 grand at most. Surely that's affordable.
You guys both make good points. And until one of us stumbles upon a top 10 pro who suddenly wants to share their drug history with us, we'll all be left to speculate.

But H8t makes a real strong point: $700 will get you 200 high quality human sus-250 amps . And as long as they buy in bulk, they'll pay even less. The high dollar items are usually the exotics, HGH, and/or peptides. For a 5 month mega-dosed, muti gram/week cycle, I bet it be 5 grand at most. Surely that's affordable.
dude, Branch Warren is my dad. I forgot to tell you, lol!
Maybe Kai lives in the city?? I have friends who have tons of money and live in big cities like NYC and dont own a car, and have to rent one to come home for the weekend..No way Kai doesnt make a ton of cash.
Maybe Kai lives in the city?? I have friends who have tons of money and live in big cities like NYC and dont own a car, and have to rent one to come home for the weekend..No way Kai doesnt make a ton of cash.
Could be, but in the interview, they were trying to portray him as broke,and in financial hardtimes. I think they even said his car got repo'd... thats what got me.... yeah, my heart goes out to you Kai, lol, were pullin for ya!
Very unlikely the guy is broke. He NETS 6 figures from contests alone. Then add guest appearances and sponsors, dude is bringing in a healthy amount of dough.

I just can't see the guy being stupid enough to blow it.

Then again, he fucks grapefruit :eek:
Kai does live in NYC & up there most people that even make 6figures don't own cars...when I had My truck & lived upper westside it was a, no parking spots etc.
Kai does live in NYC & up there most people that even make 6figures don't own cars...when I had My truck & lived upper westside it was a, no parking spots etc.
dude.... I understand that. I have friends who live in various cities who use the public transportation because its easier and more convienient. Understandable. What i dont get is why in that interview, Palumbo was making it seem like Kai was living in fucking poverty? His car got repossessed?? Was it 24K gold plated and full of diamonds??

Why try to paint the picture that Kai is broke? So his fans feel bad? IDK....... I guess it was a stupid fucking interview then.
You guys both make good points. And until one of us stumbles upon a top 10 pro who suddenly wants to share their drug history with us, we'll all be left to speculate.

But H8t makes a real strong point: $700 will get you 200 high quality human sus-250 amps . And as long as they buy in bulk, they'll pay even less. The high dollar items are usually the exotics, HGH, and/or peptides. For a 5 month mega-dosed, muti gram/week cycle, I bet it be 5 grand at most. Surely that's affordable.

Bro hit me up and I can share some insight with you. Outside looking in I can see your disbelief, but I can tell you first hand that that vast majority of the guys are broke! Even the top struggle. Dangle a cows ass cheek that's just been shot full of Tren pellets and most will try to find a way to get the Tren into their bloodstream. Let me throw some expenses. HEALTHCARE. These guys have to pay their own health ins. Food. Blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds, chiro adjustments, massages, synvisc injections, then a place to live, car, all the other stuff. If you think you're living well as a pro with a 100k a year, you are way off. Lots of these guys also have dialysis and various blood treatments. Some even do stem cell therapy.
I have a friend who is a top pro, you all know, he will remain nameless...he probably nets I wanna say between work and competitions 250k a year...Now he's not hurting for money, but he lives in a 2 bedroom home and drives a jeep with 50K miles...Pretty average for making that kind of money...The money he spends on food alone is unreal.
dude.... I understand that. I have friends who live in various cities who use the public transportation because its easier and more convienient. Understandable. What i dont get is why in that interview, Palumbo was making it seem like Kai was living in fucking poverty? His car got repossessed?? Was it 24K gold plated and full of diamonds??

Why try to paint the picture that Kai is broke? So his fans feel bad? IDK....... I guess it was a stupid fucking interview then.

He does live in a shitty area/project up there
the benifit for a ug lab sponcering a pro would be the ug can say his stuff is SO good that a pro uses it. everyone would want it. i would. theres the assumption that a PRO would only use the best and its available to YOU for a slightly higher cost my brother. lol
I would love to know what the food intake of all these guys was, especially the 5'5" guy and the guy who tore his calf.
The 5'5" guy ate very clean. He always said it's really hard to get fat on clean food. He has a twin brother. Not identical, paternal. The two of them did power lifting meets early on. The other twin pretty much quit lifting and just did the CYO thing and played B-ball and stuff and still stayed big. Matty, the bodybuilder twin just kept lifting. There was definitely something in the genes. I ran into him about 5 years ago. He got married and had some kids and stopped working out. He's still huge, just has a little BF now. Definitely genetics. Some people are just meant to carry mass.
after finding out what my friend does, I dont think everyone needs to take high doses, he used to compete 20 years ago, in his 40s now he take 1ml of test a week and went really light on igf, and hes 5' 9" 264 10%bf w abs showin in, he can do the leg press that is at an angle with 17 plates on both sides for 6. I think genetics play a huge roll, although I wouldnt want to be anywhere even close to weighing that much, even if I did it would really be impossible for me no matter how much stuff I did
after finding out what my friend does, I dont think everyone needs to take high doses, he used to compete 20 years ago, in his 40s now he take 1ml of test a week and went really light on igf, and hes 5' 9" 264 10%bf w abs showin in, he can do the leg press that is at an angle with 17 plates on both sides for 6. I think genetics play a huge roll, although I wouldnt want to be anywhere even close to weighing that much, even if I did it would really be impossible for me no matter how much stuff I did
Where is that Willis quote from? People say I look like him in the face. Anyhow, I've seen guys that take almost nothing and get huge and others that are top National level that take boat loads or hardly anything. It's all environment and genetics. After years of training and off all stuff I'm a lean hard 5'8.5" at 195 and hypogonadal. On a TRT dose I'm 205-210. On a gram of sauce I'm 215. If I were to really start hitting it with the knowledge I gained in AAS, growth factors and ancillaries I could probably push 250 without to much drama but for what? Some guy with decent genetics can do that naturally. At this point in the game I'm interested in being as healthy as possible and still have some fun so 9 months out of the year I'm either on TRT or a mild blast. The other 3 months I'm resetting the machine so to speak. That seems to be working OK. I can still pick up the back end of a mid-size car and I can still run a decent 3 miles. Fuck-it. I love this life style.
Where is that Willis quote from? People say I look like him in the face. Anyhow, I've seen guys that take almost nothing and get huge and others that are top National level that take boat loads or hardly anything. It's all environment and genetics. After years of training and off all stuff I'm a lean hard 5'8.5" at 195 and hypogonadal. On a TRT dose I'm 205-210. On a gram of sauce I'm 215. If I were to really start hitting it with the knowledge I gained in AAS, growth factors and ancillaries I could probably push 250 without to much drama but for what? Some guy with decent genetics can do that naturally. At this point in the game I'm interested in being as healthy as possible and still have some fun so 9 months out of the year I'm either on TRT or a mild blast. The other 3 months I'm resetting the machine so to speak. That seems to be working OK. I can still pick up the back end of a mid-size car and I can still run a decent 3 miles. Fuck-it. I love this life style.

It's from the last boyscout when he looks into the mirror in his car. When I get to the top of where I have weighed, when I go down stairs it kills my ankles and knees so I figure I need to stay under the top weight I have been.
My favorite quote from that movie is when the silly looking blond dude says something like "just once I want to hear you scream in pain!" to which Willis' character deadpans "play some rap music"