Geneza Pharmaceuticals ?

First off... I dont bash every supplier thats mentioned on here. Just the ones I know that are bad. Naps is the one that screwed over Axio and sent it in to a tail spin as he was the production manager and responisible for the quality of the gear for Axio (not anymore). Plus... I know how he is and how he likes to cut corners. I know several people pissed at him because of bunk gear!

Eurobolics, are plainly crap... this is from person use. Not just from me but a lot of people. they have screw alot of people over and know they come up with XT Labs... a copy cat version Axio.

As for GMP... I what it is... I have been thru GMP compliance set up and training already. I am telling you what I know of these guys...

blah blah blah............
Eurobolics, are plainly crap... this is from person use. Not just from me but a lot of people. they have screw alot of people over and know they come up with XT Labs... a copy cat version Axio.

When another member and I asked about LX labs you posted the it was the same as Eurobolics and that it was garbage.Well I've used some of their products and had very good results.Now you're saying it's XT Labs which I know people who like their products also.
When another member and I asked about LX labs you posted the it was the same as Eurobolics and that it was garbage.Well I've used some of their products and had very good results.Now you're saying it's XT Labs which I know people who like their products also.

I tried to retract my statement on that post after I realized it wasn't the same group... I was thinking XT Labs. Tony's is a good guy... I did sent him an e-mail and apologies for my statement. I also spoke to someone else about on this on PM a couple of days ago. I have no issues with LX Labs.
Livingsteel- It's cool to keep people informed on what may be bad op's.....Sometimes people preffer to learn on there own. You have a great thing going with the retooling of AXIO as they are on the top without a doubt.

I just sensed bashing on every op mentioned.....thats all.

Nothing personal. I respect the AXIO/Genx crew. If I didnt I would say fuck off but thats not the case. I like the stuff alot and if anyone ask's me about AXIO they are the only one I would recommend without hesitation. I wouldnt bank my rep on any other OP and that should speak volumes........Anyway lets let hector get his
lx labs

*******Your first post and not an eliquent one*********

If you like a lab thats great.
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hey bro dont come on here throwing gas on a fire. think this was handled very nicely by our members without telling people to fuck off. you obviously arnt planning on sticking around long.
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NAPs gear GP

GP is a great i have used the D-bol, winny, clen , and armidex.
Napsgear is where i got my gear from. there a good site to order from.
Do not discuss sources douche bag

lol, you should have seen his first post, he gave out .com addresses, emails, social security numbers, tracking numbers of packages, ect.....

Ok maybe it wasnt that bad, but it was bad!
Yeah! Yeah! YeaH lov it dah real talk in dah house"" I already feel my test level off dah hook, letz all take it to dah gym now yea-boY lol

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Yeah! Yeah! YeaH lov it dah real talk in dah house"" I already feel my test level off dah hook, letz all take it to dah gym now yea-boY lol
Hey hec" u better nit be a MEX talking like that daaam,Lol! Hay hec save ur speed Oz for contest, u don't have to wear em everyday!! Jk

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Hey hec" u better nit be a MEX talking like that daaam,Lol! Hay hec save ur speed Oz for contest, u don't have to wear em everyday!! Jk
damn, i forgot all about the genx axio brand until finding this geneza pharmaceuticals gear thread! GMP certified lmao
is genza still a popular brand steroid? I never hear anyone speaking about it