Genxxlgear Xmas Promotion

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Every person that makes an order from over 250$ will be automatically entered into a draw to win one of three prizes courtesy of Axio and Syntrop Labs!!
1) 1000$ gift cert
2) 500$ gift cert
3) 250$ gift cert

The draw will be made December 19th...

Good Luck and big thanks to<!-- / message -->
Last edited: guys kick ass.....i never win anything....that would be one hell of a christmas......
I wish she was MY PRIZE... Friggen of course I'd choose a career in BB-ing thinking MS.EASON would obviously want a BB-er for a Husband but .. NOOOOO !! She likes the SKINNY AS A TWIG, NO MUSCLE DEFINITION WHATSOEVER... ROCKER TYPE !!!

Go figure... psssshhhh... PLUS HIS MUSIC BLOWS !! Rev Theory... JUNK !! Ugh....

I told my wife that she, Jamie Eason, is the ONE FEMALE who I would cheat on her with and/or leave her for... it'll never happen but at least she knows... hahaha

And coincidentally.. she has stated because of that fact that that is the ONE FEMALE that she will NEVER bring home to our bed for us to share.. (once again never happen but still... bummer)... yep my wife definitely despises Jamie Eason... yes she does...

But I dont have it so bad.. every once in a while she will locate herself a female (hot of course...) that she will bring home for a night of fun.. can't knock a girl for eating what i like to eat... plus... it's all NO STRINGS ATTACHED so.. it never interferes with our relationship... she worships me and i worship her... it's just that well.. she requires the taste of another female every now and again... Maybe she'll grow out of it.. maybe she wont.. whatever... tell me.. WHAT GUY IS GOING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT ARRANGEMENT??

No, it's not an everynight thing.. maybe 3 times a year... on average... although... this year we racked up 5 and it aint over yet.. sooooo maybe she is picking up in intensity... oh I could only wish...

Alright.. enough sharing of my personal life.. haha sorry guys...


BUY AXIO AND SYNTROP PRODUCTS GUYS !!!!! SPEND 250 Bucks and Possibly WIN 1000 bucks.. or hell even 500 or 250 is WORTH IT !! FREE STUFF IS FREE STUFF... So get on it !!! Order order order !!! This is the BEST DEAL EVER... Wish I could take advantage of it.. LOL...