Get big or die tryin' :)

That's an impressive spreadsheet you got going on there. Good record keeping!

Thanks man, i like to know whats going in both cycle wise and diet wise ... my diet spreadsheet is just as bad lol

I think you've fallen into a little too much of the internet buzz surrounding the peptides, but you've got them and the dosing I see listed seems on par with my research of them, however, that honestly is a bit limited. I love MuscleChemistry's IGF which is the only peptide I use. As Nuk said don't try too hard to reinvent the wheel. 1200mg of test given your height and weight should be more than enough. I would add in some Aqua Dex and maybe proviron. Pics would really help. Next time spend the money on some quality anabolics to go with your androgens... I.e. Deca, Primo or consider a lower dose of test and add in some Tren.

Thanks 'Dude' its good to know that i am at least understanding the research out there and the dosing protocols too. Attached are some pictures of me from the last 2 shows, and a few days later.

Not posting pics of me as i am now as ive been mass building and am a little bulky :weight:
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dont take this the wrong way, but you got a long way you can go with just AAS, from looking at your pics. Just try some different training or diet things if you want. But no need for all those peptides at this point.
dont take this the wrong way, but you got a long way you can go with just AAS, from looking at your pics. Just try some different training or diet things if you want. But no need for all those peptides at this point.

No offence taken dude, im always open to suggestion and advice from people that have had more experience.

I have experience with stuff like test, EQ, and orals. Do you have any other suggestions for things to ty for size?
No offence taken dude, im always open to suggestion and advice from people that have had more experience.

I have experience with stuff like test, EQ, and orals. Do you have any other suggestions for things to ty for size?

with what you got you should grow just fine. If its legit. Its way more than what im taking now, and i steadily getting bigger just off of 300mg of test a week only.
No offence taken dude, im always open to suggestion and advice from people that have had more experience.

I have experience with stuff like test, EQ, and orals. Do you have any other suggestions for things to ty for size?

I did a 3 month bridge with 200mg of test and 100mg EOD of tren and made slow steady gains. Few are going to be able to even maintain Nuk's size on that dose. It took me 3g of test a week to hit a tight 260 at 5'9 and I was eating everything I could force down. Currently I'm doing 1200mg of Sust and 400mg of Deca a week along with 70mcg of IGF a day. An androgen with an anabolic and a spot on serious mass gaining diet is key. Throw the peptides in, but focus on your food and training.
with what you got you should grow just fine. If its legit. Its way more than what im taking now, and i steadily getting bigger just off of 300mg of test a week only.

I did a 3 month bridge with 200mg of test and 100mg EOD of tren and made slow steady gains. Few are going to be able to even maintain Nuk's size on that dose. It took me 3g of test a week to hit a tight 260 at 5'9 and I was eating everything I could force down. Currently I'm doing 1200mg of Sust and 400mg of Deca a week along with 70mcg of IGF a day. An androgen with an anabolic and a spot on serious mass gaining diet is key. Throw the peptides in, but focus on your food and training.

Guys thanks so much for all your advise so far, i am going to completely rethink the AAS side of the cycle before i start it.

Thinking of dropping the dose of test to eek it out for a longer duration, and maybe drop some tren or deca in there too, with a little dbol kicker and a Var chaser at the end. All this is now in just the planning stages again though.

I'll start up a cycle log for anyone interested in the gains and no doubt issues i hit along the way.

Thanks again for everyones input, im not killing this thread as peoples comments and ideas are always welcome!
yeah you really cant go wrong with a Test, Deca, D-bol cycle for mass.

Agreed. I also prefer longer cycles as it seems the body gets a chance to get used to the muscle. I'm not going to lie though. I love the occassional high dose shorter monster, but they are always short b/c the sides catch up with you real fast and you really feel like shit. I'll probably never do 3g a week again. I felt like ass, but fuck was I big and strong and always pumped and vascular.