get pinz


New member
Sup guys been away for little while trying to get back into things.I have had some surgeries this past year but ready to hit it hard again.Is gpzservices still open for bizz i need some pinz.
Thanks for the info you give guys
Thanks Presser, Hope to be around alot more I go back to ortho Dr for MRI on both knees but he said I could still hit the gym for now
Total rebuild in the right one in 1991 just about to wear out from all the lifting and ball playing over the past 15 yrs.But the Dr thinks he can help its killing me not to be able to workout with my legs.So I have taper my upper body wrkouts so it dont over ride the lower.But im still 205lb 6/2 around 9 % body fat.Started running few wks back but I would hurt so bad for about 2-3 days after so i had to stop that.But i have to understand im 43 LOL.I think my left knee hurts so bad trying to take the slack for the right one

Presser what about gpz are they still a good company
damn dude that sucks, i know in about ten years when im 43 my one knee will be like that if i dont get it fixed now but its tough to tell myself to go have surgery and stop lifting for a while,

as for gpz i honestly dont know bro
I know what you mean if the Dr tells me we got to cut That will suck.But I caused more damage from putting it off the first time so i try to take care of these things alittle faster now.Hope you the best dude cause it sucks to workout around a knee injury
the weather absolutly kills my right knee, sometimes just sitting still it throbs in unreal pain
They are still in business, but our site sponsor Sterile Syringes is awesome. and their banner is on our forums home page!

but out of curiosity, is get pinz still around? Crazy how long ago this thread was, and Sterile syringes is still going strong.
