Getting a pump as you Age

Funny, I have been doing heavy sets of 4 to 6 reps for about 6 weeks. (been years since Ive done that) and today
was arms and I felt like switching it up. Did 3 excercises each for bi and tri, 4 sets each of about 12 to 15 reps, slow
and strict. I got one of the biggest pumps I have ever got. lol. Lets see how it works next arm day. Funny to see
this clip on the same day I switched it up.
I'm with you. 12-15 reps controlled movement. Better pump for sure. I turn 41 12/21
I'm with you. 12-15 reps controlled movement. Better pump for sure. I turn 41 12/21

Austin, stop saying your 41, not impressed bro. Your still a kid. I just turned 56 (with abs, lol) Dam Kids!!!
I always love to see someone older then me in shape, although its gettin less and less I see it. lol
Im going down swinging, I think its fitting because mentally Im in my early 20's lol
Off day today and going to carb like a mother, hope I can move tomorow. Happy Thanksgiving Guys.
(Austin, just teasing bro.)
Austin, stop saying your 41, not impressed bro. Your still a kid. I just turned 56 (with abs, lol) Dam Kids!!!
I always love to see someone older then me in shape, although its gettin less and less I see it. lol
Im going down swinging, I think its fitting because mentally Im in my early 20's lol
Off day today and going to carb like a mother, hope I can move tomorow. Happy Thanksgiving Guys.
(Austin, just teasing bro.)

this made me giggle..but it might be the beer as well...
Austin, stop saying your 41, not impressed bro. Your still a kid. I just turned 56 (with abs, lol) Dam Kids!!!
I always love to see someone older then me in shape, although its gettin less and less I see it. lol
Im going down swinging, I think its fitting because mentally Im in my early 20's lol
Off day today and going to carb like a mother, hope I can move tomorow. Happy Thanksgiving Guys.
(Austin, just teasing bro.)

FINALLY!!!! Someone older than me and with some BALLS too...Gotta love it. Wish you were closer bro. We'd have that beer.
Went to the gym at noon (only 2 people into work at 2....And, sittin here laughin at this damn post...Very Good Turkey Day!!!

Have a good one fellas.....Hoping to have my IGF at my door tomorrow ;) ;) ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Hey mcgaret!!! Give me some pointers on gettin rid of this stupid Dbol induced Acne!!! I'm broke out like a damn 12 year old....RFLMFAO!!!!
I stay away from orals, execpt the dmz 2. Got good results on low dose. Trying again now.
Could that have anything to do with my elbows hurting. lol
I stay away from orals, execpt the dmz 2. Got good results on low dose. Trying again now.
Could that have anything to do with my elbows hurting. lol

I've heard that from more than one person. Elbow pain and DMZ that is. Just ask 1 more rep...;) He has a thread about it now
Just started doing higher rep volume workouts myself. Never been so continually pumped in my life. Sore a lot more, too. I'll be 45 in a little more than a month.
Capricorn? my BD is 12/23 but i aint 41 yet but not far behind daddio

Nope. I'm on the very end or "Cusp" as the hippies call it of Sagitarius. They say I have cross traits. lol....Your still a pup in your 30's...
Enjoy that shit bro ;)