Getting minor surgery and im on cycle. Should I stop?

You need to tell anesthesia what you are taking. Depending on how long the colonoscopy/egd (screening versus diagnostic) is expected to take (and what juice your taking), anesthesia may give you a stress dose of steroids (hydrocortisone) to prevent a dramatic decrease in blood pressure.
that anesthesia shit scares the hell outa me, my friend went for minor surgery and never woke up, i think its prob better to play safe and just end my cycle early..thanks trapper
i just had two major surgeries to repair a broken ankle. I pinned the morning of my surgery. My surgery was unplanned ofcourse. Im not saying this is the right thing to do, but i did not tell them about my aas use. Obviously I had no problems. From what i understand, blood thinners and stimulants are major no no's prior to surgery.
that anesthesia shit scares the hell outa me, my friend went for minor surgery and never woke up, i think its prob better to play safe and just end my cycle early..thanks trapper

dam bro what was the minor surgery that ur buddy had done?

And I was just put out 3 seperate time this past year for my neck and I never once mentioned anything i was taking nor did they bother asking me, and I take ECA stacks all the time, which thins blood, I too was very afraid of not waking up
Yeah anestesia is crazy shit.. I had to get woken back up with some drug when i had a vein ripped out of a leg. Almost bit the big one.. That's terrible about your friend musclebound.
Yeah anestesia is crazy shit.. I had to get woken back up with some drug when i had a vein ripped out of a leg. Almost bit the big one.. That's terrible about your friend musclebound.

Like with a shot of adrenalin or something?
It was when we were seniors in high school and they were checking like the lining of his stomach or something for ulcers i think, but he had some type of reaction to the anesthesia because of some meds he was taking and dunzo, his heart gave out. now everytime i have ever gone under i think to myself this may be the last time im ever awake again. now they say i have a enlarged spleen and they wana check it out.
It was when we were seniors in high school and they were checking like the lining of his stomach or something for ulcers i think, but he had some type of reaction to the anesthesia because of some meds he was taking and dunzo, his heart gave out. now everytime i have ever gone under i think to myself this may be the last time im ever awake again. now they say i have a enlarged spleen and they wana check it out.

I always think it could be my last time alive, every single time ive been put under, so i couldnt imagine if i actually knew or had a friend who died from minor surgery anesthia.

And ive never heard of an enlarged pleen
Death or serious complication from anesthesia is rare. In fact your more likely to die or be seriously injured by driving 100 miles in your car. However, it does help the anesthesia provider to know what medications your are on. Steroids cause a negative feedback on the adrenal glands and make some people susceptible to hypotension (low blood pressure). This complication is common enough that we give people stress dose hydrocortisone to anyone who has taken steroids (prescribed or otherwise) in the last 6-12 months. While the chances of you having serious hypotension is rare, it still bears repeating to your anesthesia provider. Sorry you lost a friend muscle bound. There are a multitude of reasons problems can arise during surgery although rare. If your having scheduled surgery it's best to discontinue at least two weeks prior. If emergent just let your surgeon or anesthesia know. We don't care we just want to be able to treat you safely. Don't worry you will do fine. Good luck on your surgery, you will be fine. I hope I can be as knowledgeable about AAS someday as your guys are. Hoping to start my first cycle mid Novmeber, provided my source isn't a fraud.
Thanks everybody.
I nearly went down for the count after surgery. They over-dosed me on meds and I guess they had a hard time getting me breathing again. I had no clue anything went wrong.
thanks trapper, so is that what you do for a living you said "we" dont care?. I know biggerstronger thats what im talking about you never fn know. i hate having to put mylife in someone elses hands
yea they did some test and said i have a enlarged spleen. not sure why. and when they tested me i hadnt been on any gear for 6 months so it couldnt be a side effect( i wouldnt think) but the spleen is like the appendix you dont really need it and they can remove it. so Idk im over all this doctor stuff i think they find anything wrong so they can run more test to make more doe.
Like with a shot of adrenalin or something?

I just looked at my records and that's exactly what it was.. The nurse shot it in so fast I woke up gaspin for air and chokeing to death they then knocked me out again with a shot.. Shoved the wrong size intebaition tube down my throat and then woke me up slow.. When I was coherent I went ballistic and cussed and told the dr nurses they are fukin idiots after that I have a scared throat And for 6 months I had hiccups .. I still cough..
I know !! Its amazing how the incorrect breathing tube size is not written on report too.. My sister was rite there as i wanted to choke out the nurse. They then gave me this other shit that felt like acid goin thru my veins and extreme heat and i yellled fukin stop stop stop and they then stopped and determined i was allergic to this medicine they were putting into iv setup..

Lol.. Not sure how i got to this mobile site im now in.. Gotta get out of it ..
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thanks trapper, so is that what you do for a living you said "we" dont care?. I know biggerstronger thats what im talking about you never fn know. i hate having to put mylife in someone elses hands
He meant they dont care what drugs you are taking. They just want to know so they can give you anesthesia safely.
He meant they dont care what drugs you are taking. They just want to know so they can give you anesthesia safely.

I have been practicing anesthesia for almost five years. It's in your best interest to admit steroid use just so we can be aware of interactions with other medications. Typically for an endoscopy interactions are rare (but still possible). Not knowing your whole medical history I am assuming you are healthy (I mean you are on a bodybuilding site) so the risk of anything adverse occurring is very rare. Hope they figure out what's going on for you. Good luck and don't stress.
Im surprised no one mentioned the main reason for not wanting to be on AAS when having surgery and that is because it delays blood clotting, therefore a major surgery would not be favorable as preventing bleeding "might" be a concern...

Also it has been long "theorized" that AAS actually lowers the bodies immune system function and therefore can delay healing time?? Ironic because you would think the opposite right??

MY understanding is that if you were running orals or super stacked AAS taking some time off would be in your best interest however if you were running say HRT or very low dose injectable test and having minor surgery you should be fine.

What I can tell you is that about 7 years ago when I was using AAS I had sinus surgery while on cycle. The oral surgeon absolutely mentioned to me that my blood was slow to clot at the incision site. My healing time did take a few days longer then normal and the reason I know this is because I had to go back twice before I could remove the stitches. Not dangerous in this case, but I can agree that it occurred.