Getting rid of used pinz

I gather them up, put them in a thick plastic container, and take them back to the pharmacy where I buy them. That is what the pharmacist told me to do, so I am just following instructions.
I have been purposely pushing the envelope with them when I buy them. Years ago I told them I wanted the darts for my hunting groups deer dogs-we give them vitamin -b and four way shots. In reality, I don't hunt or even have a dog. But for the past 3 months I get pumped at the gym, wear a string tank and go buy the darts. They never ask any questions!! Now that I wrote about this I will get denied!! No biggie getting darts here bro-all pharacies will sell.
throw 'em on the playground up at the elementary school! :eek:

actually I keep them in an old vitamin bottle, when full wrap it in duct tape and drop in a trash bin somewhere.

I do same as kid rock I clean house every blue moon I gotta clean soon got jabbed in finger a few times from one the lost a cap.
I wrap in bottle with tape and sure no names are on it and take to local mechanic's dumpster which if full of grease.
put them in a plastic bag and give them away to trick or treaters..... J/K

just putem in the garbage and throw em out... maybe I should save them. I think I will save them for now on.
I do simmilar to KR except after I put the pins in the container I fill it with spray foam isulation. That stuff hardens so even if someone pulls the tape off the container and opens it nothing will come out.

saturn said:
I do simmilar to KR except after I put the pins in the container I fill it with spray foam isulation. That stuff hardens so even if someone pulls the tape off the container and opens it nothing will come out.

You guys get all into the disposal thing!
I save mine somewhere, in an old shoebox or something, then when I throw them out I put them in a bottle with duct tape

sometimes i go down to the beach at night and stick them in the sand where little kids play KIDDING!!
I usually put them in a box or a plastic container then toss them into a dumpster.

The only people I'm worried about are the garbagemen, Everyone else fishing around in the garbage should be blamed if they get stuck with a pin.
Plastic bottles and then the trash can, alone, not in any bag with the rest of the garbage that might have names on it. I like the spray insulation idea. I'll do that next time!!
I don't want to sound like the "old guy" here but I think it is pretty important to dispose of your pins properly. I doubt anyone here can say that as a kid, they didn't climb on a dumpster at one time or another.

I just recently went through 9 tubs of protein that were packed with pins, bottles, alcohol swabs, amps, etc.. I took each one and dumped it into my bathroom sink and sorted all pins from the mess and put them into a bio-hazard container that you can get from gearbox for only like 5 or 7 bucks. Of course, I filled 4 of them to the top but I feel much better doing this as it is safer in the end for everyone involved. Plus, you might want to check your state laws of improperly disposing of bio-hazardous material as here in Colorado it is a fine of $500 per PIECE of material that is not properly disposed of.

You might think that dropping them in a dumpster is fine and you won't get caught. If you only dump a small amount, you probably won't. However, if it is big enough I would wonder if they wouldn't go through the trouble of running any fingerprints or something to find out who you are and making an example out of you. The public would not be too kind about this sort of thing. Also, it might be a stretch but you have to remember that there is plenty of DNA in those pins, guys. To say that there is no connection to you after you dump those pins is not very accurate at all.

I am not beating any of you up about this but someone earlier in the thread sounded suprised that anyone would go through so much trouble to dispose of their pins. I am surprised that so many would NOT put the time into disposing of them properly. Thing about it: The last thing we need is an article in your paper about how they found a bunch of needles with steroids in them (residue) in a dumpster. I doubt that this would help make us look any better than we already do in the media.

Just my opinion but..........

I like Saturn's idea best one bottle of foam insulation goes a long ways and safe from anyone finding by digging through hardened foam.
like skip, I buy a biohazard "sharps disposal" container from Walgreens. I believe once they are filled and closed they can be disposed of in yours (or any) garbage. Insulin users have to dispose of darts all the time, so I don't think needles in a proper container will throw up any red flags.

KidRok said:
throw 'em on the playground up at the elementary school! :eek:

LMFAO at that! :D

But really, I was just dumping them off at random dumpsters. I once wrapped a bunch up in paper towels and threw them in the trash can in the bathroom at a gym. I now have quite a collection piling up in a trash bag so I think I'll take Skip's advice and use some sense this time.
skip is right.
but what i do is burn em. years worth = 5 minutes in a weber grill wrapped with foil plastic becomes one big block of nothing.