Getting rid of used pinz

Skip were did you get rid of the biohazard containers? I have a friend who works at a hospital. He takes mine in for me and disposes of them in the sharps container there.
I just take em to a pharmacy.

You aren't supposed to dump the bio-hazard containers in the trash guys. Think about it: The trash goes into the truck, gets COMPACTED and then dumped somewhere. When it gets compacted, those containers aren't going to hold up.

I must be in a weird mood or something but why would any of you say that the foam idea is a great idea? It is not a great idea because it isn't disposing of them properly and responsibly and still leaves you open to fees and fines if they track you down. When they dump trash at a land fill, they do it in areas or sections. It isn't too difficult, if they find 3 tubs of syringes which have traces of gear in them and are in a protein container, to go back and start asking questions in your neighborhood. I hate to sound partial here or bias but MY idea would seem to be the best, simply because that is the way they are SUPPOSED to be disposed of.

If it seems impossible to get busted for disposing of pins, it happened to an acquaintance of mine that is on another board. They got him pretty good with fees and fines. Not to mention, I am sure that they now know he is a gear user and would love to pop his ass on that, too.

Okay, I am done with my rant. hehe

It just doesn't seem like the feds are gonna try to track you down by testing the DNA in the pinz over a few pinz. Not saying it doesn't happen but I find this highly unlikely.

What's wrong with the foam thing? Are they going to break it open? Why would they? I know it's not the proper way but I think it works.
I usually did the same thing Saturn does but Super Gue the lid shut. But to be honest SKIP has a very legtimate point.

It's not hard to go to a local pharmacy and ask them. You can make up a story tht you are taking care of your grandmother or someone and they have been diagnosed with Diabetes. Then inquire how to help the person dispose of the needles.
jaywooly said:
It just doesn't seem like the feds are gonna try to track you down by testing the DNA in the pinz over a few pinz. Not saying it doesn't happen but I find this highly unlikely.

What's wrong with the foam thing? Are they going to break it open? Why would they? I know it's not the proper way but I think it works.

It isn't about whether you will get caught or not, really. It is about being responsible and doing the right thing. It is about blood-born diseases. It is about the bulldozer operator at the landfill that dropped his hat and had to get down from the bulldozer, steps on a needle and gets hepatitus. It is about a kid being curious and climbing on a dumpster and falls in. As he lands on a protein container, one pin that wasn't capped comes through the container and pokes him. I mean, for Christ's Sake, it isn't always about just us, right?

I ain't hatin' on ya, bro. I am just asking for everyone to take the responsibility to go to the pharmacist and drop off your SEVEN DOLLAR sharps container. They won't say shit to you about this. They might not SELL you pins but you can bet that they will dispose of them for you. Trust me.

Skip said:
I mean, for Christ's Sake, it isn't always about just us, right?


You definatly have us here. You're absolutley right, it isn't just about us being caught up.

Great reply. Thanks. I love this board!
Skip, you bastard!! LOL I am going out right now to get some sharps containers. Thanks for the insight. This shows a lot of integrity on your part. I hope more will follow your lead. APPLAUSE!!!!!
Do I WIN?? Somebody tell me I WIN!! :D

Maybe we should have our next MC lottery and give away free sharps containers! Woo Hoo!!! lol

Skip, I also agree with your stance. The box on my sharps container states " Discard properly. Follow local trash ordinances where applicable". In other words, "don't be an asshole and let a garbage man stab himself with your used bloody needles." Proper pin disposal is just part of being a responsible steroid user.

Lates, Ben
Ok Skip. I f you have gotten through to one person this rant was not for nothing. I think your Idea of a contest to win a few sharps containers is cool.
THE PLOT THICKENS SKIP!! I just went to the pharmacy and bought a sharps container and I also asked them if there was a fee for them to dispose of the sharps container. They said they, Walgreens, don't accept them. I don't know if this is just my area or what. He said to check with the local garbage companies and ask them what their policy is. He also said that he thinks the local garbage companies accept a well sealed, with duck tape or glue, bleach container. I can check this out tomorrow.
Alwayslearning said:
THE PLOT THICKENS SKIP!! I just went to the pharmacy and bought a sharps container and I also asked them if there was a fee for them to dispose of the sharps container. They said they, Walgreens, don't accept them. I don't know if this is just my area or what. He said to check with the local garbage companies and ask them what their policy is. He also said that he thinks the local garbage companies accept a well sealed, with duck tape or glue, bleach container. I can check this out tomorrow.

yeah to much trouble we are (or many of us) breaking laws receiving aas and using it. I don't wanna red flag by caring a big sharps container around and have people asking me questions and have people watching me.

It's just not worth the trouble, I'm sorry for I have sinned.
DangerousGround said:
It's just not worth the trouble, I'm sorry for I have sinned.

Yes, you have sinned but you are confessing. lol

I forgot to mention that Waste Management (national company, so no excuses) has something like a 'mail in' program for bio-hazard stuff. I don't know anything about it other than seeing it briefly a year ago, or so. I think it is mentioned on their website. I will check on it.

It would be a little sketchy for me to drop off my used pins at a pharmacy because it could possibly get back to my pops who's a doc. Gee, Dr., I saw your son the other day....yeah, he dropped off 100 used syringes for disposal...said they were for his pet snake." :D I'm trying to think of a different option here. hmmm....
pumpseeker said:
It would be a little sketchy for me to drop off my used pins at a pharmacy because it could possibly get back to my pops who's a doc. Gee, Dr., I saw your son the other day....yeah, he dropped off 100 used syringes for disposal...said they were for his pet snake." :D I'm trying to think of a different option here. hmmm....

Check my new thread about the mail in system, bro.
