GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC

Shap, are you getting numb fingers? The fingers on my right hand are completely numb and the ones are my left are tingling. This has been this way for 3 days now.
Shap, are you getting numb fingers? The fingers on my right hand are completely numb and the ones are my left are tingling. This has been this way for 3 days now.

I'm not shap hands go numb at night....more so my left than my right for whatever reason.....I'm jealous i'm in contest prep....u guys are building...I can only imagine how I'd gain on 6-7k cals and this protocol...i think one can get the same gains on 500mgs of test with gh/igf-1/mgf/slin that would take 2-3g of test/600-800mg of deca and dbol or drol and be a lot safer long term...albeit a bit pricier
Shap, are you getting numb fingers? The fingers on my right hand are completely numb and the ones are my left are tingling. This has been this way for 3 days now.

not only are my fingers numb, but my kneecaps are giving me the WEIRDEST sensation imaginable. I used to get lots of pain in them in the past, but now the pain is gone....
Im no expert on this but i have been reading a shit load of forums, and am a member of datbtru's site that has tonnes of information on this ...

the general consensus is that more is not necessarily better for peptides. I was going to do 400mcg of GHRP-6 and CJC w/o DAC ED, but was educated against it by DAT himself,

+1... dat's site is a fountain of knowledge as pertains to all things peptides and other topics as well. Great place to go for quality info!~

I'm starting all of mine Monday, but I can answer a lot of your questions based on scientific studies. PM me if you would like to know where to find them although I'll warn you that it is hours of reading to find them. Basically you need one GHRH - the CJC and one GHRP - which ever you choose. 100mcg of each will give your body a spike that is the exact level you would see with a 5iu exogeneous GH dose. So 3 doses of 100mcg of CJC and GHRP - 2 will give you the equivalent of 15iu of exogeneous GH, however they are natural "spikes". This will allow you to reap substantially more and substantially quicker.
I decided to go with CJC as well as GHRP - 2, IGF, and MGF. This was what was recommended to me by a person very much in the know and the physique to back it up. I went with the CJC as opposed to the Mod GRF 1 - 29 so I could incorporate the MGF. I'll be doing my GH in the morning at 4 - 5 iu ED due to the fact that I don't need more based on the endogeneous spikes throughout the day. My friend said to expect visible results in 5 days or so (I find this very unlikely).
Also, dose your CJC and GHRP at least 1 hour after eating and wait at least 30 min before eating so you avoid blunting the GH release by an insulin spike. Its also best that the post admin meal is low in carbs and has a low GI.

All good info as well...

After talking it out with the Dude and our buddy Ron for a while I came to the consensus that running this protocol would be AMAZING:

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2
-2.5IU rHGH

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2

-100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (bilaterally)

Wait 2-5 minutes
-400mcg MGF (bilaterally, same site as IGF)
Wait 15 minutes
-2.5IU rHGH
-12 IU Humalog
Wait 20 minutes
Consume PWO Shake (90g carbs, 50g protein)

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2

Trust me guys this protocol is absolutely the best you are going to get. I have only been running the CJC, GHRP, and MGF for a week now, but the effects are ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING!!! The fullness you feel, the incredibly quick recovery....I will never stop this protocol!!

I recommend if you guys have the ability, run this very protocol for INSANE gains.

I feel the same about never stopping the pep's! I would also very much like to begin some IGF & or MGF when I can afford to....

Looking forward to hearing continued progress from everyone!

Great thread/post, subbed!~
GHRP-2,6 and CJC-1295 with DAC-- OFF DAYS

Hi guys,

I know this is a few years old but what would the stack be on non gym days?

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2
-2.5IU rHGH

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2

-100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (bilaterally)

Wait 2-5 minutes
-400mcg MGF (bilaterally, same site as IGF)
Wait 15 minutes
-2.5IU rHGH
-12 IU Humalog
Wait 20 minutes
Consume PWO Shake (90g carbs, 50g protein)

-100mcg CJC-1295
-100mcg GHRP-2

GHRP -2 and CJC-1295 anyone still using these ?

I just dont see very much talk about these other peptides anymore, nt here nor on other forums outside of MC.

Asking because ghrp-2 and 6 are readily available somewhere reputable now, and was just curious if anyone still uses this