give me your thoughts/experience


New member
I was talking to a few guys last night. We were discussing how people always say they stop gaining after8wks and tht longer cycles are a waste. We agreed that gains slow. I say the only way to get more gains is too increase you cals. Another guy said adding more gear is another way around it if your body is gettting used to the gear, slam more into it. So what if one started out lets say 600 test and then 8wks later did 1000 or so for 8wks? Anyone ever cycled this way before? I'm not sure I agree 100% but it kinda sparked some curiousity.
Adding more gear might help...but really adding more calories is how you should be gaining more weight. You need to eat enough to support the new muscle. Besides eating more food is probably cheaper than adding more gear.
I agree with BiggerStronger on this one. I have heard of some people who did increase their gear and they gained a little more, but because of receptor saturation, the gains then stopped altogether. Adding more calories is the real way to gain weight because you have to eat enough calories to support the muscle you already have plus the new muscle you are trying to build.
i think you should do both. increasing your aas dosage and your cal intake. although if you're eating like you should be then it could be hard to get another meal extra shake wouldn't be a problem though.
I really believe that your body can only grow for so long and then it needs a rest. If you stay on all yr round, plan bulking phases followed by maintanance phases. Cycling off is a good idea because it gives your body a chance to refreshen the receptors. Continued growth is not guarenteed however, even with steroids there is a max limit - that is why BB's begin adding insulin, and HGH to the mix to continue to grow.

Some people will continue to grow granted if they eat like a pig, and get real fat, then drop the weight for a show or something. I have no experience with this though - since I like to stay only 10-15 lbs outside of contest shape all yr round.
When i was younger i used to increase my AS per cycle for better gains and i used to think it woprked pertty i got older and learned my body more i realized i was wasting gear and not helping my body. Allowing the body to rest and recoup is essential. I now cycle on and off like prisoner22 said and i find that the down time helps me have better gains in the end. I spend my time off maintaining my diet and hit the gym just like i was on. I discovered that the mass gained while off was true mass and not as likely to lose. back in the day i was tall and slim 6'0" and 165, after years of being natural and finding out the hard way what to take, i finally broke 200 by the time i was 30 and i've been staying between 200 - 215. I'm by no means HUGE, but i'm pleasantly ripped and even topped out at 235 after cutting down.