Votes: 46 60.5%

    Votes: 12 15.8%

    Votes: 18 23.7%

  • Total voters
Just kidding. Only on bench days, and only because my hands get sweaty and slide to the outside when I don't wear gloves.
I f i really need them I'll use them but I can't help but feeling like a complete homo when I do.
Hey Irish - Please dont tell us what flavor!!! Never wore gloves - used to have
big callouses - the kind you start to peal off - I used to always snag my old ladys
nylons - then they kind of smoothed out. my hands are tough as hell with not much
feeling left but have been worn kind of smooth after all the years. Weird.
aye aye mate - hey wait a second, if they are ediable panties then do
you still call them "skid marks" or just "toppings"?
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so gloves are for pussies....i'll be sure to tell that to all the 260 -280 pound shits who use them .....right....your all a bunch of liars!!!
i cant stand gloves. they only do one thing for me, and that is fall apart.

straps only, the cheaper the better. Of course my hands could be confused with gigantic callouses.
Been around this game long time (little over 30 years) not in the health clubs
but the hardcore gyms. Nobody gives a shit what the hell you wear (unless its
a 270lb guy with pink bodysuit and a thong - now thats funny) It is just that
most of the guys w/gloves just wear them temporary or are themselves temporary.
(6 months to year or two) Before you get your panties in a bunch I said "most"
And bottom line when you are serious who gives a shit what anyone thinks!!
I tried gloves once or twice about 30 years ago but I like the feel of the weights
and loved the callouses - I earned them.
and I'm sure you see a lot of 270+ guys at the gym wearing pink in that flaming city of yours!
sandiego,sandiego,sandiego, you had to go there! Seriously, years ago I walked
into the gym and saw, at the time, the biggest dude I had ever seen. Probably
around 270 and ripped. Me and my workout partner were in awe. This was the most
macho guy I had ever seen. Soon as he opened his mouth the polite 2nd grade girls
voice that came out, along with the mannerisms, just didn't seem to match. (not that there is anything wrong w/that) Also, Sandiego, If I read your post right you said
YOU felt like a homo. (not that there is anything wrong with that) LOL
Just kidding bro.
I didn't wear gloves for the first 15 years I lifted and then starting wearing them at the request of my wife. She didn't like the rough hands. My hands are still calloused just not as bad.

I used to be like most of you and think that gloves were for sissy but now I really don't care. I guess that attitude just come with age.
i dont like gloves most of the ones ive triied are too thick i cant feel the weight good. Maybe its mental but i just prefer no gloves personally.