Glute Pain


MuscleChemistry Member
So I ordered new pins and went with a different size, stayed at 25g but bumped it up to 1-1/2". I didn't stick the entire needle in my ass but it was almost there and I've had the worst pain in my glute. Anyone use 1-1/2" or is there anything else I should be worried about?
Now why would you do that? What brand are the pins cause some are crappy from the start . You prob stuck it in ,Heard the wife comin down the hall and u tensed your ass cheek around the now 1.5 inches in your glute waitin for her to bust down the door ..
I definitely don't have much ass left. My thought has always been "the deeper the better" but wife doesn't always agree with that.

No muscle jerk at all, smooth as always. It has to have been too deep, almost feels like a bruise is coming up. I was afraid that I may have hit a nerve but I hear that it is pretty evident that you do because you feel immediate pain.
Not can get close to a nerve which makes inserting the pin a little more painful than normal, but nothing violent. However, once you inject the oil puts more pressure on the nerve and the pain increases. Afterwords, It feels like its a bruise as well.
I definitely don't have much ass left. My thought has always been "the deeper the better" but wife doesn't always agree with that.

No muscle jerk at all, smooth as always. It has to have been too deep, almost feels like a bruise is coming up. I was afraid that I may have hit a nerve but I hear that it is pretty evident that you do because you feel immediate pain.

I am a firm believer is the deeper the better as well bro! I think 1.5 is a much better and wiser choice then 1 inches when it comes to your glutes!
sounds to me like you hit a nerve or vein...I've found that if I hit a big vein it will have a dull pain that will bother me for a few days
Yeah I can't even roll on it if I'm in bed. Pain to tie my shoes and sure as hell can't do legs. I feel around just to see if I feel an abscess just incase but nothing. I think you're right though if hitting a nerve isn't always noticeable.
I definitely don't have much ass left. My thought has always been "the deeper the better" but wife doesn't always agree with that.

No muscle jerk at all, smooth as always. It has to have been too deep, almost feels like a bruise is coming up. I was afraid that I may have hit a nerve but I hear that it is pretty evident that you do because you feel immediate pain.

If you are that lean, then 1.5" is too long IMO. Look at what they use when youre in the hospital, they dont use 1.5" on me!
i feel like it also has to do with what your puttin in there as well..I remember years ago doing 1cc of T4 and not being able to walk for two weeks..shit was brutal
i always use 1.5's but every once in a while ill hit a nerve or something almost all the way in and it kill me for days but it dont happen often.
Yeah I have to do some funky squat just to tie my shoes. I don't feel pain unless I'm bending over (shut up, lol)
Hitting a nerve would be very evident in the moment and as far as you take it in upper-outer quadrant you should be safe. However, internal bleed if you've ruptured a vein can cause bad pain too. In any case, some massage or light cardio/stretching can get you back squatting faster.