Glute shot with EQL Profina


Gold Member
Damn...So this is my second cycle and I did my glutes for the first time this cycle. So I used a 1.5" 25g needle.

The first time I hit my glute I aspirated and got a good amount of blood. Damn...I've never done that b4. Okay lets try again. Get a fresh needle and I bury most of that damn 1.5" into my ass. Ouch I think I went too deep cause it started to hurt once most of it was in there. Aspirate then start to inject. Immediately during and after the injection my glute started to hurt like a charlie horse. Now the next day it hurt pretty bad too.

Do you think this is from going too deep with the needle?...I'm fairly lean (11% bf). If not that what do you guys think caused all of the pain? :confused:
Sounds normal to me bro, some people have more pain then others, and you might unfortunately fall into the hurtful group.
BTW It hurts just a little more than my quad that I shot a couple days before my glute. Mainly I'm concerned about the pain during and right after the inject. I was also thinking that because it was my first glute shot that perhaps my muscle is just adjusting to the substance I inject. I'm trying my left glute on Tuesday so I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Also are there any tips to doing the shots one handed with your left hand. I'm right handed so its a bit difficult doing my left glute. I can hardly bend around to hit it! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Anytime I hit a new area, there's more pain involved....glutes should be no different, congrats on even being able to reach back there, I know I can't
If you can't reach it, then there isn't much you can do, but you can have a friend or girlie friend hit it up for you.
It's probably the gear. I had the exact same peoblems wth EQL because of the high mg/ml. I bought some sterile oil and add 1 cc to each EQL shot works great. No more pain.
The profina is a bit of a paiful shot. Hardscience hit the nail on the head with his advice to dilute. This will help out.
Good suggestions everyone. I'll try on Tuesday and see how it goes. If there is still a lot of pain I'll try to dilute it a bit. I just hate to inject more oil the necessary, you know? I'm so paranoid about abcesses. I would like to keep it under 2cc eod.
My first week or 2 on EQL was PAINFUL. I don't know if my body got used to it after that or what but I haven't had any problems since. Good luck.
are you guys massaging the are as to disburse the oil a bit.. You should be.. with any gear that you deem painful.. massage it a little more than you would normall do..
To start.. you should be doing a heavy massage for at least a minute..
Not one two thre and your done.. that leaves both knots and can be extra painful
Oh yeah...I massaged it for like 10 mins...mainly because it was hurting a good deal immediately after. I even used one of those electric massagers on it for like 5 mins. It made it feel better at the time, but a little bit after it started to hurt again.

Do you think I went too deep? It looks bruised around where I injected...Maybe I'll try a 1" pin next time around. Thanks guys!
BiggerStronger said:
Good suggestions everyone. I'll try on Tuesday and see how it goes. If there is still a lot of pain I'll try to dilute it a bit. I just hate to inject more oil the necessary, you know? I'm so paranoid about abcesses. I would like to keep it under 2cc eod.

I wouldn't worry about abcesses if you're going deep enough and you're massaging the area for a few mins after you stick....I've shot 3 cc's in my quads before with no probs far as bruising goes, you should've seen my bi's the first couple of times I hit them off, even with a measly 1 cc injection I had a 3" diameter yellow and greenish bruise for a day or so:eek: