Going to throw in some Anadrol


MuscleChemistry member
Going to try some anadrol starting tonight. Im not taking a oral right now, so what the hell, lol. Going to use 100mg/day.
Good for you- keep us posted- 100mg is a good dose.
Liquid or tab?
What is your liver protectant of choice?
If I remember right, a-50's always suppressed my appetite. Good-luck, and congrads on those 21"
I think I'm going to try A bombs on my next cycle. I didn't like dbol's, the back pumps and bloating were horrible. May be the same with anadrol, but I'm going to try it out and see.
I've seen plenty of guys ur size using 150-200mgs on big bodypart days...and on the other days using 50mgs or none.

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I really don't like drol. It will definitely put on considerable strength and size. It was INCREDIBLY hard for me to control the estro sides, even at 100mg ED. The bloating is really bad too, and I just generally feel lethargic and shitty on it. I much prefer the pumped up, euphoric feeling that 50-75mg Dbol ED provides.
I really don't like drol. It will definitely put on considerable strength and size. It was INCREDIBLY hard for me to control the estro sides, even at 100mg ED. The bloating is really bad too, and I just generally feel lethargic and shitty on it. I much prefer the pumped up, euphoric feeling that 50-75mg Dbol ED provides.

Have you ever used Tbol? and how did it compare?
I think with drol and dbol most people respond real well to one and get bad sides with the other....dbol gives me a headche and makes my nipples itch....with drol i feel strong as an ox and full 24/7...not watery....

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I think with drol and dbol most people respond real well to one and get bad sides with the other....dbol gives me a headche and makes my nipples itch....with drol i feel strong as an ox and full 24/7...not watery....

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I am not so sure i wholeheartedly agree with that one. The best oral adjunct to any cycle I ran was when I actually implemented 50mg Dbol and 50mg Anadrol ED together. Many would suggest that this is a lowish dose of anadrol (which it is), but it gave me the effects of it, which synergized VERY well with the Dbol, without the unbearable sides that I get at 100mg+ ED.

I have spoken with others who do prefer to use one over the other, but I suggest to those individuals that if possible, they run both together at a lower than usual dosage for each. With only A-bombs, I need to utilize Letro to control the estrogen. With the combo, 12.5mg Aromasin ED sufficed, and that is my normal AI protocol for medium to even somewhat heavy aromatizing cycles.

Give it a try sometime; I GUARANTEE you that you will enjoy that protocol.

EDIT: Oh and tri-terror: I agree with major. I was not very impressed with Tbol. I mean yes it did provide some lean maintainable gains, but I just feel like there are many other compounds out there that can better accomplish the goals for which you are utilizing tbol. If it is for lean maintainable gains, then oral primo or anavar is way better. If it is for strength without too much mass, then again I would look at anavar or perhaps winstrol.
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Tbol seems to be all the rage on some UK forums....but in the US everyone thinks it sucks...

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Shaptown, that's not the first time I've heard that about running A bombs with dbol. I may just have to try that. What kind of dosing schedule would you use with that? Most of the anadrol tabs are 50mg, so cut one in half and have half morn, and the other half like 8 hrs later? Same with the dbol? I only did 30mg/day of dbol before and just did 10mg every 8hrs, but I can't see cutting up the anadrol into three pieces, LOL.