Good % of bodyfat?


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What's a good % of bodyfat ? I'm trying to bulk up , I'm 6'1 18% bodyfat and 216lbs and 42% muscle mass...should I try to lower my bodyfat?
most people dont have a clue what there BF% is, no mater how they get it checked. I see low numbers thrown out all the time, and their all bullshit. If you really want to know get in a water tank.

So let me ask you this, how did you come up with your % number?
Yeah I know what your saying , and I don't know how well this machine works, they have at my gym , you stand on it bare footed and hold this bar in your hands , enter how tall u are and your age for some fucking reason then it weighs you then tells you % of bf and muscle, whatever what I'm really asking is what is a good bf% ? while bulking?
So hard to say like Nuk said...
One thing I do is this...if I look better with a shirt on then a shirt off then im carrying too much bf...So if you really are 18% I would def. work more on cutting first...
<TABLE border=1 cellSpacing=0 borderColor=#666699 cellPadding=3 width="100%"><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD colSpan=5>MALE</TD></TR><TR align=middle bgColor=#ccccff><TD>Age</TD><TD>Excellent</TD><TD>Good</TD><TD>Fair</TD><TD>Poor</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD width="20%">19-24</TD><TD width="20%">10.8 %</TD><TD width="20%">14.9 %</TD><TD width="20%">19.0 %</TD><TD width="20%">23.3 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>25-29</TD><TD>12.8 %</TD><TD>16.5 %</TD><TD>20.3 %</TD><TD>24.4 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>30-34</TD><TD>14.5 %</TD><TD>18.0 %</TD><TD>21.5 %</TD><TD>25.2 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>35-39</TD><TD>16.1 %</TD><TD>19.4 %</TD><TD>22.6 %</TD><TD>26.1 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>40-44</TD><TD>17.5 %</TD><TD>20.5 %</TD><TD>23.6 %</TD><TD>26.9 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>45-49</TD><TD>18.6 %</TD><TD>21.5 %</TD><TD>24.5 %</TD><TD>27.6 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>50-54</TD><TD>19.8 %</TD><TD>22.7 %</TD><TD>25.6 %</TD><TD>28.7 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>55-59</TD><TD>20.2 %</TD><TD>23.2 %</TD><TD>26.2 %</TD><TD>29.3 %</TD></TR><TR align=middle><TD>60 +</TD><TD>20.3 %</TD><TD>23.5 %</TD><TD>26.7 %</TD><TD>29.8 %</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
The bioelectrical impedance is somewhat accurate, but nothing is as accurate as the underwater test. There are many things that can throw off the bioelectrical impedance which cause it to be inaccurate at times, but overall it's probably accurate within 3%.
IMO calipers are the best since the tank often isn't feasible.

to be most accurate, I suggest at least 7 points to caliper.....more is better.
for example, I can be 4% on my arms and 15% on the lower back.
see when im around the good mark of that chart I feel like a fat shit