got mad at work today..


New member
Man this makes me so angry. .6 kids in a 2 bed flat and she is demanding that we re-house her..all kids are under 5..maybe after 3 you should of thought hold on I don't have the room I cant cope..but no u open your legs with no concept of contraception and have another 3.. me and my wife would love more kids and a bigger place to live..I know lets go on the council housing and give up are not gona jump on the band wagon but some times like right now..I think would u of had 6 kids in your own country with no income and no way to support them..Mmmmm im thinking no..but come to london the land of hope and benefits..rant over for now.
Man this makes me so angry. .6 kids in a 2 bed flat and she is demanding that we re-house her..all kids are under 5..maybe after 3 you should of thought hold on I don't have the room I cant cope..but no u open your legs with no concept of contraception and have another 3.. me and my wife would love more kids and a bigger place to live..I know lets go on the council housing and give up are not gona jump on the band wagon but some times like right now..I think would u of had 6 kids in your own country with no income and no way to support them..Mmmmm im thinking no..but come to london the land of hope and benefits..rant over for now.

bro over here we pay them more welfare benefits, housing benefits, food stamps you name it for the more kids they have! So over here some people purposely have more kids, and the other half of them don't give a fuck if they do or don't cause they know Uncle Sam will just dip into the middle class pockets to pay their stinking way!

Please don't get me started on this shit as i could go on forever about how fucked up our system of welfare is here! Granted some people need the help, and I'm all for that!!! But some of the lower education people play the system like its a fucking game
you just described Detriot

lmao yeah and they went bankrupt, and once again the middle class suffer, peoples pensions were cut, imagine working all your fucking life and finally retiring and then you find out the city you worked for, risked ur life for in some cases went belly fucking up! Democrats running big cities don't mix
What kind of foreignors are you getting that take advantage of your welfare system in london? :goulet:

yeah i was curious of this to! I know our Illegals are given welfare benefits!! sad shit
Basically all what u guys have said is the same here..but with the EU opening its borders any 1 can come here and claim benefits. .which means we are fucked we had a strong ££ people came stayed and now the system is over loaded..we get a lot of turkish Muslims that abuse the system. .but I wont say to much cuz some 1 will pull the race card on me..
It's funny you mention this because a lot of people think the only place in the world that does stuff like this is the US
Funny because the whole of Europe thinks the same of the uk...come here for free housing and free health care. .we even get health care tourist. .they come get some surgery and then go again..amazing. .hows that for crazy
London is full of liberal crap, all the money they spend and give to the royal family paying for their travel. The royal family is a bunch of in breds with Queen marrying her cousin Prince Phillip. House of Rothschild and that sick pedophile Sir Jim Saville, whole group there is a bunch of sick pedophiles.
MKDK, don't forget, virtually *all* of the former and current royal families of Europe are all intermarried - had to keep the blue-blood pure, you know ;)

and here i thought only america did that, well we up the pay like presser said so the more you have the more you get for free.

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maybe we just have more of them
Basically all what u guys have said is the same here..but with the EU opening its borders any 1 can come here and claim benefits. .which means we are fucked we had a strong ££ people came stayed and now the system is over loaded..we get a lot of turkish Muslims that abuse the system. .but I wont say to much cuz some 1 will pull the race card on me..

yeah I watch a lot of National and International news, and you guys have a major problem with Extremist type Muslims, and truth be told we do to here in the good ole U.S of A-holes! I can't understand why when an extremist muslim living in London goes on tv and spouts off about the infidels , why you guys let that shit happen! It happens here is Mosques and its growing but i haven't seen any on our tv crying out to eradicate the infidels. I forget the main extremists name over there in London someplace, but i did see him on tv crying out to purify your land over there,lmao

Im all for freedom of speech, but I'm also for shut the fuck up unless ur a citizen, which he may very well be over there but damn! Anyhow yeah you guys have growing problem with Muslims and its going to get like that here soon with the MOA Muslims Of America who are or have extremists among them!