got my china powders, can't tell what's what


New member
OK, I got three packet, test prop, Masterson, Winny. Powders are in tang packets, but they ain't labeled, how the hell do I tell what chemical is what.

I thought about a melting point test. But shit I'd have to buy the equipment to do that with and it probably ain't cheap.

Anyone run into this? Any ideas, I've emailed the sender but no response yet.


sorry bro, i wouldn't know steroids powder from talcum powder lol, but I'm sure we have guys here who know their shit and who can help, these guys know how shit should feel, smell, taste and look, hell they probably know how it sounds hitting the table lol, ect so hang tight and I'm sure they'll help ya out
Tang packets? Wow that is some gheto dope shit. Could be dope for all you know. :flex: What kind of ragtag operation did you order from son? Don't answer that last question by the way....
How did you plan on brewing if you never bought any equipment??? You just put your powder in a sterile beaker or flask and put it in the oven at a controlled temperature. But I don't think you want to melt your winny... you'd be there a while waiting for that shit to melt anyway.

But shit I'd have to buy the equipment to do that with and it probably ain't cheap.
No its put in sealed tang packets to clear customs. I think maybe I might be able to identify the Winny. I've had T prop too, so I kinda remember what it looks like.

And raysd21, what equipment do you have, a negative pressure lab with vent hoods? I suppose you have an electron microscope too!

Bro I've got a kitchen, BA, BB, filters, syringes and needles.

What I was getting at is, a device that goes up to 300c at 1\2 degree increments so that you can see the compound melt at exactly its melting point.

What kind of dope should I expect? Maybe china white!!!¡!!!!
Never mind, they emailed me, they had it marked. Man these chinks are slick. When I got package, I thought I'd paid hundreds for some Chinese candy and tang
Negative pressure doesn't melt aas powder that I know of... Does a vent hood heat up to 250 degrees? Absolutely no steroid has a melting point of 300 celsius. Not even close. Like I said before all you need is a sterile beaker and an oven with a working thermostat... preferably a secondary one that you trust. Put all 3 of them in the oven at the same time with the oven at exactly 250 degrees. The one that melts is the test propionate. Take them all out. Turn the oven up to 300 degrees. Put the other 2 in. The one that melts is the drostanolone. Your welcome.
Well raysd21, what equipment were you talking about, what equipment do you have. I have an oven. And no your oven aint a controlled temp bro, its hard as hell to keep a kitchen oven at a specific temp,ive tried that before with digital meter and a thermocouple. Maybe we should meet up so we can talk about it. Wait, is that you in the pic, if so, no need to meet up......Lol

Like I said no need to melt anything, they told me what is what.
Should have had some label of some sort.
Winny is very fine white powder like baby powder-consistency. Prop should feel like fine sand and smell a little like a pickle. The other one is masterone lol

now ow not a strong sour pickle just a hint of sour pickle small hint.
p.s what it tang??

LOL It's that shit made famous by the astronaut John Glenn in the 60's on project Mercury. It's a powdered orange flavored vitamin c supplement from the early 50's. Tang is also a slang term for pussy in ebonics. "Getmesomadat tang bro!"
Getmesomadat tang?? What the fuck?! Hehe! Ebonics, that's funny. Go to Louisiana every one talks the same, black and white. No such thing as Ebonics.
Getmesomadat tang?? What the fuck?! Hehe! Ebonics, that's funny. Go to Louisiana every one talks the same, black and white. No such thing as Ebonics.

Sure, they all SAY the same words, but they all SOUND different. How many different accents or dialects are there in that state anyway? My sleep apnea doc is from New Orleans.
Negative pressure doesn't melt aas powder that I know of... Does a vent hood heat up to 250 degrees? Absolutely no steroid has a melting point of 300 celsius. Not even close. Like I said before all you need is a sterile beaker and an oven with a working thermostat... preferably a secondary one that you trust. Put all 3 of them in the oven at the same time with the oven at exactly 250 degrees. The one that melts is the test propionate. Take them all out. Turn the oven up to 300 degrees. Put the other 2 in. The one that melts is the drostanolone. Your welcome.

Cooking 101 with Rayas21!!! Next, he will attempt..."The Triple Lindy"!!!!