Don't feel bad bro. I did the same thing with my second bottle.
The first bottle was gone in like two doses, because I was so confused about dosing.
My first dose was 400mcg bilaterally.
It was a mistake, but it was incredible!!! HAHA!
Of course, Presser took care of me also. Soo cool!
Anyway, you should really consider IM injections.
When I first started I tried sub-q a few times and got bad lumps every time.
Probably was doing something wrong, but either way, you're gonna get much better pumps pinning IM into the muscle you'll be working that day (pre-workout).
Trust me. It's a HUGE difference!
BTW, you don't have to wait 2-3 weeks to really feel it.
You will know as soon as you get your dose and your carbs right!
60mcg bilaterally pre-workout with at least 60gms of carbs should be a good starting point for you bro!
You're gonna love it, once you find your "sweet spots".
I've been using IGF for about a year, and have experimented with a lot of different methods.
Everyone is a little different, and has their own opinions, but when it comes down to it, it's science.
It's not hard to get it right.
You are welcome to PM me any time with any questions you may have.
I'll be happy to help you get straightened out!