Got the gf in the gym...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
My girlfriend isn't big on the gym at all, but I was able to get her in with me today. She just wanted to do cardio and a few little things to start out which is fine as long as she's going. She's been on pain killers for around 10 years for migraines and has become addicted and she's wanting to quit taking them so I think this will help keep her mind off the withdrawals and give her a way to start feeling better as well. It's been a long struggle trying to get her off, but she seems finally committed to the idea. Shes's already talking about going tomorrow which is a good sign. I just have to make sure I don't get her too sore too fast and ruin it lol.
My girlfriend isn't big on the gym at all, but I was able to get her in with me today. She just wanted to do cardio and a few little things to start out which is fine as long as she's going. She's been on pain killers for around 10 years for migraines and has become addicted and she's wanting to quit taking them so I think this will help keep her mind off the withdrawals and give her a way to start feeling better as well. It's been a long struggle trying to get her off, but she seems finally committed to the idea. Shes's already talking about going tomorrow which is a good sign. I just have to make sure I don't get her too sore too fast and ruin it lol.

Well hey at least its a start man. just keep her motivated. Keep telling her that her ass looks better. LOL
That's great! Hope she sticks with it. I love training with The Dude. Wish we could go together more often. Good luck to the both of you. And especially her so she can kick that addiction! Keep us posted.
She's been on pain killers for around 10 years for migraines and has become addicted and she's wanting to quit taking them so I think this will help keep her mind off the withdrawals and give her a way to start feeling better as well. It's been a long struggle trying to get her off, but she seems finally committed to the idea. Shes's already talking about going tomorrow which is a good sign.
let her eat whatever she wants and let her know you are there for her whatever you can do to make her feel better. i never detoxed off of pain meds i hear there is nothing really for it, my gf was hardcore addicted to pain pills and says the withdrawls are horrible she was sick for weeks even at treatment center which she started walking and then jogging now she tries to get me on these 5k runs and she hitsthe gym. i might even joke with her and say dont be getting to good at that running stuff and think im going to go with you on 5k runs
Good luck Big.. And I hope your girl can kick the pain killers.. With you by her side it will be that much easier for her.. To me it is important to do as much as you can together when you are in a GOOD relationship.. I love going to the gym with my wife.. It give me that extra drive..
Prayers out to you and your GF, addiction is a team effort when trying to stop, just let her know you're there for her and "together" you guys will beat it. It's scary for people to try and do it alone when they feel they have no support or someone to talk to them about their cravings. She's lucky to have you as her BF to help her get healthy physically and mentally as well as a built in free personal trainer. You're a good dude, Godspeed to you both buddy.
Thanks guys, I've been with her for 5 years and the pain killers have just gotten worse. The doctors just keep giving more and more which doesn't help. I have never taken them because I've seen too many friends go through the same thing and it's not an easy road. She's tried kicking it a few times, but I think this time will be different. She seems a lot more willing to do other things to keep her mind off them. I mean she used to not be able to even go to the movies without taking a few so this is already a big step. It's put a strain on everything and I hate getting upset about it because she should have never been put on them at a young age. So I blame the doctors as much as anything. I'm just hoping to out this behind us and get her healthy, active and back in shape.

She's wanting to get back to coaching cheerleading so this may finally allow her to get back to doing that. I'll keep you all posted on this, we are actually getting ready to hit the gym again now. I don't normally train on the weekends, but if she's wanting to go, I will be there by her side to push and guide her
Thanks guys, I've been with her for 5 years and the pain killers have just gotten worse. The doctors just keep giving more and more which doesn't help. I have never taken them because I've seen too many friends go through the same thing and it's not an easy road. She's tried kicking it a few times, but I think this time will be different. She seems a lot more willing to do other things to keep her mind off them. I mean she used to not be able to even go to the movies without taking a few so this is already a big step. It's put a strain on everything and I hate getting upset about it because she should have never been put on them at a young age. So I blame the doctors as much as anything. I'm just hoping to out this behind us and get her healthy, active and back in shape.

She's wanting to get back to coaching cheerleading so this may finally allow her to get back to doing that. I'll keep you all posted on this, we are actually getting ready to hit the gym again now. I don't normally train on the weekends, but if she's wanting to go, I will be there by her side to push and guide her

You're a good man. Be patient Bro. She'll be irrational at times. Pain pills are bad. I remember coming off of Valium and it was just horrible. Fucks with everything especially your mind
My girlfriend isn't big on the gym at all, but I was able to get her in with me today. She just wanted to do cardio and a few little things to start out which is fine as long as she's going. She's been on pain killers for around 10 years for migraines and has become addicted and she's wanting to quit taking them so I think this will help keep her mind off the withdrawals and give her a way to start feeling better as well. It's been a long struggle trying to get her off, but she seems finally committed to the idea. Shes's already talking about going tomorrow which is a good sign. I just have to make sure I don't get her too sore too fast and ruin it lol.
If she is having real bad with draws, see if you can get the doc to prescribe her clonidine. It help me go through with draws.
We had one doctor say he'd give her suboxone or subutex but I'm afraid she will just get reliant on those as well.
We had one doctor say he'd give her suboxone or subutex but I'm afraid she will just get reliant on those as well.

Yeah, don't do that either. I was addicted to pain pills for many years. Got on suboxone, and took those for years too until I couldn't afford them anymore - Not necessarily by choice. Truly, the best way to get off the pain pills is just cold turkey. The withdrawal sucks and will feel like the end of the world to the user, but every other method didn't work for me. Tapering off doesn't work in many cases because the user is an addict and will find excuses to take 1 more or not stick to the tapering schedule. I would always get down to none - go through withdrawals and eventually take them again. When you just plain quit and remove any pills from your possession it makes it much harder to flow back into the addiction with no one knowing. If the addiction is bad she should tell all of her prescribing doctors that she is an addict and wants to quit asap. If she has any using friends she definitely needs to make it clear she quit and wont take them again. In fact she needs to not associate with any other drug using person.

From my experiences the primary withdrawal normally lasts a week, and secondary depression/mood changes start to improve after a few weeks or so. Running, and physical activity can make things go much smoother and will fill her day with something other than thinking about pills. Anyways, I went through all of this stuff for many years and been clean off of them for about 4 years now so if you got any questions let me know.
I used them for 2 years with 2 back surgeries and you can wean from them if done right. Just go down like a half of a pill every 3 days, depends what she is on but look at the drugs half life and then determine the taper process from that. Stay away from suboxone , its just another synthetic opiate and expensive and very hard to quit.
dont be too hard on her. If she dosent want to go, tell her a day off is good sometimes. or just get her in there with a real easy workout.
Most people arnt like us and you cant be too hard on them.. Also tell her comming off the meds working out will make it so much easier. luck
to you.