Gotta love this feeling...


MuscleChemistry member
Go to the bathroom, with a brand new vial of test. Flip the cap, withdraw all contents, inject, then throw the the vial away. lol. Time to grow.
Go to the bathroom, with a brand new vial of test. Flip the cap, withdraw all contents, inject, then throw the the vial away. lol. Time to grow.

Did you use a turkey baster?! So 2000 - 2500mg at once? How did you spread it out?! Hopefully I don't ever have to go that high again. That was not fun for me!
are you using smaller vials ? or the whole 10ml ..?

gotta grow if your doing that...LOL !!!
yeah once a week.

do you think doing it once a week vs. doing in 3 shots or whatever makes a difference ...??? (say M,W,F - split in to 3 inj.) I've heard that doing it in smaller doses over the week, cause less of a spike in estrogen, ect...
do you think doing it once a week vs. doing in 3 shots or whatever makes a difference ...??? (say M,W,F - split in to 3 inj.) I've heard that doing it in smaller doses over the week, cause less of a spike in estrogen, ect...

No, its a long ester(Cyp.). I say get it in and use it. Id rather go to gym all week knowing I have 2500mg of test in me.
No, its a long ester(Cyp.). I say get it in and use it. Id rather go to gym all week knowing I have 2500mg of test in me.

good point...I know if im doing long ester's...I feel better ,and grow better (IMO) if im spreading the inj. out longer...say 5-6 days apart vs. EOD or every 3rd day, or whatever...shorter ester's ofcourse you have to do inj. it more often..but for whatever reason, longer ester's seem to do a better job (IMO) if its more spread out...
I've done the injection scheduling a bunch of different ways, and never noticed a difference results/sides wise.
If I'm just cruising at 400mg wk, I'll do it in one shot. But higher doses, I space it out. Only cause I don't wanna pin 3 or 4 spots in one day.

knowing my luck, those 3 or 4 shots would all be "bad" shots, and I'd be cripple for a week.