growing titties

brew said:
Bro I can't remember the name, but it is a topical cream teh give to aids patients who are on compounds to prevent muscle wasting. It starts with an "A" if thats any help, lol.

If you happen to remember or come across the name, post it bro. I have a lump under each nip and with the gyno problems I had on this cycle, one of them grew a little more to where I have a little of it on the outside of the nipple. I'd like to get rid of it. I'm gonna try 60mg of Nolvadex ed starting at my PCT, I don't think it will do any good while on cycle. My PCT starts in about three weeks.
I think you guys have seen my recommendations for B6 on gyno issues. Maybe this will give you some other ideas, such as 5aa, on the other hand if you know where it comes from you may lose interest.

In truth, the etiology of gynecomastia is unknown and a number of agents including estrogens, progestins, GH, IGF-1, and prolactin may be involved. However, most authorities believe that a decreased (T+DHT)/E ratio is central to the development of gyno, and that blocking the effects of estrogen, or increasing T + DHT levels, is central to ameliorating the problem.

Regarding prolactin, androgens decrease prolactin levels whereas estrogens increase prolactin. Non-aromatizing androgens have never been shown to elevate prolactin levels in humans, but testosterone has, due to its aromatization to estradiol (19). Prolactin secreting tumors, or prolactinomas, are often associated with gyno. But in these cases the prolactin is believed to induce gyno by suppressing testosterone production: “Prolactinomas that are sufficiently large to cause gynecomastia do so as a result of impairment of gonadotropin secretion and secondary hypogonadism”. (20). However, this is a moot issue in AAS users whose gonadotropin secretion is already blunted.

According to research cited in (20), prolactin may have a direct stimulatory effect on mammary tissue development, but only in the presence of high estrogen levels:

The presence of mild hyperprolactinaemia is therefore not uncommon in patients with estrogen excess. Significant primary hyperprolactinaemia, on the other hand, may directly stimulate epithelial cell proliferation in an estrogen-primed breast, causing epithelial cell proliferation and gynaecomastia.

So rather than focusing solely on lowering prolactin levels which may be elevated in users of aromatizing androgens, attacking estrogen should be the first line of action.

GH and IGF-1 are considered critical to the proliferation of mammary tissue. An excellent review of the role played by these hormones, as well as a general overview of gynecomastia can be found here:

Since elevated GH and IGF-1 are considered important to the anabolic effect of AAS, it would be impractical and counterproductive to attempt to prevent gynecomastia by blocking GH/IGF.

Progesterone acts in concert with estrogen to promote breast development, and at least part of any role played by synthetic progestins may be to stimulate IGF-1 production in the breast. But again, blocking the action of progesterone or synthetic progestins is not practical. Specific progesterone receptor antagonists like RU-486 block not only the progesterone receptor, but the androgen receptor as well, and have actually been associated with the development of gynecomastia (21). In any case, progesterone is thought to act on the breast to enhance the effects of estrogen (22) so once again, attacking estrogen is the easiest and most logical approach.

DHT gel (Andractim) or a generic knockoff might help as well. DHT is thought to act as an aromatase inhibitor (23) and perhaps compete directly with estrogen for binding at the estrogen receptor (24). DHT has been used in several case reports and controlled trials to successfully treat gynecomastia. So perhaps a viable strategy would be to combine DHT gel with tamoxifen. I would recommend tamoxifen rather than an aromatase inhibitor due to the simple fact that tamoxifen has been widely used in numerous controlled studies to succesfully treat gynecomastia, whereas the evidence to support the efficacy of aromatase inhibitors is scanty at best.

Undoubtedly, due to space limitations, I have left out a number of what are surely many readers’ pet myths. Perhaps in a future issue we can address more of these myths and questionable notions. Feedback is always welcome, and if readers wish to submit their ideas for myths that need to be examined in the future, please feel free to contact Mind & Muscle with your ideas.
yeah thanks bro, good to bump it up for those who might need it. Its pretty pricey if I remember right
ive used IP's version of andactrim he had out a few years ago....just DHT. I didnt find it to work too well, maybe if the gyno had just started, but I had preexisitng gyno and didnt see much in the way of results or reduction...just my 2cc's
Femara and nolvadex are the best choices, arimidex will lower your IgF-1 levels where as Femara boosts them 26%!
Hey guys just curious when was your last blood test? How many blood test do you do yearly? Blood tests are like blueprints, cholesteral levels, platlets, white and red blood cells to many things. There looked at firstbefore any choices are made...It tells you if your liver can filter these drugs and if your having a sugar problem that shows up right way. Your only lieing to yourself.
without a liver those mucscle dont are thinking of what yo want to achieve here right Large strong muscles if your liver cant handle the juice you have to strengthen it. Then juice. What am I saying you guys know what your doing i quess it just amazes me on what steroids can do. I look at the pictures of you guys and there like MRIs and CATscans and X-rays.
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i want to learn about steroids i know about anarobics and aerobics. If i sound forward or suggestive I'm harmless. I'll try not to tease i know you guys take this very serious and you should thats why your results are so good. you can tell me if i cross any lines I respect your boundries. I'm here to bare with me. Than k you. PS. I'm a female so you know a women in a mans world.
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