Guess what this post is about.....


Most of you know me by now. When I post something in this forum it's usually a snide remark or something with a bit of homosexual overtone. OR, it's about party/drinking.

This one is about partying. Though I can't promise by the end of this post I may say something that may seem a bit homosexual to most.

So here we go....

On the 28th of this month, February, I'm throwing one humdinger of a party at my house. There will be 3 kegs there minimal.

If anyone of you MC fellas are going to be in the Bay Area that weekend you are more than welcome to attend. BiggerStronger and I will be there.

I have a few ideas floating around in my head right now.

1) The people who live at my house (3 other guys and myself) are going to wear a shirt that says, "Welcome to my house, please be respectful.....OR ELSE"

2) a few respected friends that do not live there but would be willing to throw down for us at the drop of a hat would get a shirt saying, "Welcome to my friend's house, please be respectfiul....OR ELSE."

3) here is the matter of what flavor kegs to get. We're not fucking with the pony kegs either, we're talking the full sized ones. I was thinking One of MGD, one of Sierra Neveda (I don't know if this is just a local micro, but it's your standard pale ale), and one of Corona. I don't know if they make Corona kegs tho. If not, just another microbrew.

4) There is a wall that once you walk into the house you are staring at it. We, all the roomies are going to get a poster of our ideal or much desired women. We'll be signing them at the bottom. Just so the ladioes at the party know what type of women we all like.

My rommie Morgbo will have a poster of Alicia Keys
My roomie Daytona 500 will have a poster of Pamela or something
My roomie Rylo will have a poster of some hot latin chic
AND me, I, The Big Woulbalski will have a poster of Hillary Duff

Those are our real nicknames that we call ourselves.

5) I expect there to be about a 60-40 ratio, women on men - YES, you heard it correct fellas! More women than men. Age ranges anywhere from 18-28 tho I'm not carding poepl at the door so some minors might get in.

6) I will have two 30-packs of MGD stored in a garage just in case.

7) I will have a few fifths stored away (some flavored vodka, some bacardi light, and some other bottle of something sweet) just for the girls if they aint into the beer scene.

Any of you socal fellas want to make the 6 hour drive? Any of you eastsiders wanna come down?

Any ideas on how to make this party better? I need advive, have you been to a party where you thought, oh shit, this is a great idea! I want stuff like that!

Oh, sorry no Canadians are invited.

J/K crank, you can come too.

Give me ideas!!!!!

Sweat, it seems like you know what's up? Ideas?

DG? You used to party old man, right? I wanna hear from you.

Skip, lets hear it.

KR,GnB,Sat,Crank,MM,drol,heck,etc. and everyone else that has ever been to a mad party, I wanna hear from you!
Man, You had me worried for a second. When you mentioned "homosexual" overtone and were gonna put up a poster I just knew you were going to put up a pic of David Hasseloff or something!!! Just kiddin man....
Damn, sounds like a helluva good time!!! Good ratio by the way...always helps out.
Some ideas? How about something totally manly...arm wrestling contest, drinking contest, shit talkin' contest.....maybe even a story telling session? That always gets some laughs. Don't know any good stories? Just make some shit up bro'.
supersport said:
Man, You had me worried for a second. When you mentioned "homosexual" overtone and were gonna put up a poster I just knew you were going to put up a pic of David Hasseloff or something!!! Just kiddin man....
Damn, sounds like a helluva good time!!! Good ratio by the way...always helps out.
Some ideas? How about something totally manly...arm wrestling contest, drinking contest, shit talkin' contest.....maybe even a story telling session? That always gets some laughs. Don't know any good stories? Just make some shit up bro'.

I think we played out the manly themed parties. Lets bring a ton of women to this one and make an all out freak fest.

My suggestion: We'll go out scouting the weekend and week of the party for any and all hot women we can find. I'll call of my "lady friends" lol...I'll make them bring their lady friends.

I know you have some pull with the girls from work and their friends so that should be a done deal....but you are coming out with me to scout bro!!! I know we can pull some top notch girls to come...Just make sure it's not bunk with ol' daytona fucking stuff up. lmao!

Clean house, set up the freaking video games....good lighting....accessable beer and liquor everywhere and things will be set. I'll help you plan this one bro...
What about a wet t-shirt contest? I don't want to charge for beer but we'll have to come up with some kind of funds to offer the winner of the wet t-shirt contest. I was thinking of picking up a bottle of Hennessy from Costco and having that be second prize.

1st prize has to be cash - I'm thinking $150+. I guess we'll take donations from all the dudes.

I'll go to Sears and get some wifebeaters (white tank undershirts) and cut them off about half way. No Bras no excepotions. We just need about 5 or 6 girls to be down and Joe C. said he was sure some of the chicks here would do it for the money.
Bro, you want a party that will open doors for you?

I highy recomend and strongly suggest you find a hot tub/ one rent one steal one , just get one,,, and a big one too! Its the ultimate ice breaker for getting women to some level of undress. Mix that with a non ending supply of alcohol and you got a recipe for a sexy, wet, party.Somebody's getting laid!
If you can only see my expression. I've got a shit eating grin the size of texas on my fave. Good idea, I need to look into that. GREAT! this is what I'm talking about!
For the ladies, make a whop with lot's of fruit and tons of booze. Chix love it. Also don't give people alot of options for sitting down, ie lots of chairs. This will keep people mingling and active. Give the girls shots in exchange for something, a kiss on the cheek, flash, kissing their girlfriends, etc. This sets the tone. Have a digital still camera and video camera. Chix love to do crazy shit for the camera and then they get to see it immediately! "Hey hottie you're on camera!" When you get your wifebeaters pick up some cheap XXL white T shirts also. Most chix forget their bathing suit and need something to "wear". It covers just enough top and bottom to make them comfortable, yet allows for fun!!

P.S. I like your taste in the microbrews, good plan.
sounds like you guys are going to have a blast. I think you are set with the ideas mentioned already. You gotta make sure you have a big supply of hunch punch for the ladies. Liquor, cameras, hot tub, wet t-shirt all adds up to a fun night.
Oh, sorry no Canadians are invited.

that's not nice.. :D
I am too old to give any helpful input, I think. I will say that you are still young, single and chasing ass so it should be alot of fun.

Personally, I would cancel the party, save the cash and go stock up on gear but, hey, that wouldn't be much fun, would it??

Good luck and be safe.

Some pics of some nice tail would be well received after the party. I like the camera idea. hehe

i have a butt load of frequent flyer miles i need to blow i just dont think my wife would allow me to fly to cali for a party.
if I come down can I have access to the refrigerator. I will probably steal all your g/f's and may beat a few of your friends up as well.

Just make sure I have a couch to crash on. O and I may sleep nude, hope this don't bother ya.
a generous offer bro