guilt for screwin up on the diet


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
How guilty does everyone feel when they fall victim to cheating? Granted, I didn't cheat with some horrible shit like pizza or cake and ice cream, but still. I sat down and watched "The Guardian" (fuckin sweet ass movie) and started on a meal of oatmeal, tuna, and a shake. I usually eat a couple of nuts with it, but ended up eating an easy 1.5 cups of almonds and a cup of macadamia nuts. I downed a bunch of water when I was done and went to do some cardio a little over an hour later. I'm really gonna press it and blow away my lifts tomorrow to make up for it, but I feel like I really fucked up. Anyone else get like this?
Dude, that's nothing, I had a rehearsal dinner to go to tonight and I've got to go to a wedding tomorrow. I just got home from eating all kinds of shit that I shouldn't have!

At least you have the right attitude, you overdid it a little and plan on making up for it. A lot of people cheat or fuck up their diet and say oh well I might as well have some ice cream too while I'm at it. I moved my cheat day to tomorrow to try and balance out the damage for myself.
Ice Cream, my weekness. Teedubgee - thats not bad at all. If you been keeping
your fats low - mabey your body needed it. Your joints will be well lubed and the
xtra cals should give you a better workout.
lol, you call that cheating?!

thats like saying "honey, I looked at another woman". not really cheating
dreww said:
lol, you call that cheating?!

thats like saying "honey, I looked at another woman". not really cheating
Haha, I guess not. I did beat the shit out of my previous lifts though. So it's all good now :thumbsup:
oh man, you call that cheating?

Every Saturday is when I see my girlfriend. Thats the only day we see eachother in the week (she lives about an hour away and both are very busy with school and work).

For the past 3 years, each time I see her we 1st go out and grab something to eat... so naturally, ive made Saturday my cheat days...

heres a breakdown of the meals on a Saturday...

Morning: Oatmeal/eggwhites
shortly after, protein shake
around 4pm... meet up with girlfriend...

a rough idea of my "cheat meal" :

Fresh Garlic bread with cheese or 3 cheese spinach dip for apperizer...
Buncha garlic shrimp/ coconut shrimp, mashed potatoes, veggies, Caesar salad, made a side of some pasta for my meal or sometimes Alaskan King Crab legs...

then maybe a chocolate covered icecream crepe or tripple white fudge brownies for dessert.

now my brother, THAT IS CHEATING.
i havnt seen my abs in years LOL i finally can see my shoes again so the cutting diet is working i guess LMAO!
Every time I got lean enough to see my shoes, I noticed I needed new shoes!
I dont do that any more!!