Guys at the gym.

bwahaha...I can just imagine this guy dragging the gigantic 10lb weights to the scale then all the way back. If he just saved his energy for actually working out he might be able to hit 60lbs on the bench press.

I saw this idiot at my gym the other day who I assumed was showing his girlfriend how to do bench press. He was showing her horrible form. Her shoulders were too far back...she was holding the bar not in the right position...He even told her to hold her breath to give it more power. lol. Well even with the horrible advice from a guy who looks like he never touched a weight in his life she easily lifts the bar with no weights at least 10 times or so.

Then its his turn. They loaded up a whopping 10lbs total to the bar and the guy has the absolute worst form on bench I've ever seen. He started struggling on his 3rd rep of 55lbs and started to crumble. He pushed and pushed but nothing happened. lol. Lucklily his girlfriend was there to pull the weight off of him....quite easily I might add.
jeez your kidding, i can just see some shit head weighing the weights.
I would laugh my ass of right in fromt of this guy if I saw some stupid shit like that !
what a dork !


hey guys by the way I have a question on the plates I work out with say things like this

45lbs or 10lbs what is a LBS \

lmfao :))
i shit you not...this guy weighs everything AFTER he is done using if to say " this must be why i cant control the weight and almost dump the weights on the ground, it must be the weights" ..oh ya...he also uses the collars to hold the weight on when he almost dumps the shit!
I second that guess that for OCD. That isn't normal behavior, that isn't righteous gym etiquette. He must have a flurry of diseased corkscrews running through his brain. Poor guy...
LOL a lot of funny shit happens at the gym though i haven't seen anyone weighting each plate lol .
you know what bothers me though it's lame asses who jerk the weight of each other i see it all the time and i feel like yelling at them ,for instance i was using the precher curl and as i super set i went for two 25's on either side of the easy bar ,so as i finsh these two guys walk in and start doing sets on the same weight only they were jerking it off each other i'am all for spotting but as all pointed out you should be doing most of the wrok by yourself or else all you are doing is makeing an injur possible .
i meant they were spotting each other too much i meant ..........
there is no point explaing it's to funny LOL ,
You mean its not normal to weigh the weights when you are finished lifting???? Well if thats the case then I'm gonna have to stop doing that.
another sorta person that annoys me in the gym:
do u notice these guys that come in and they look like they have never worked out in their lives and start piling weight on the bar then htey just walk away then the people after a real work out (like me )have to drag five or six plates of the bar that annoys the shit outta me and people do it all th time .
guys that sit on a machine and start talking on their cells or to other people
people that just ly around on benchs and claim to be meditating .
sweaters lol the dudes that sweat all over the place and never clean up .
guys that ask you stuff it's annyoing people always (well a lot of the time )ask me stuff and i don't feel like sitting there and explianing how to deadlift right or bench i wanna work out and leave lOL.
iám venting
I saw Mr. Dress-up again today. I've seen this guy several times and it is always the same, right down to his "outfit".
Mr. Dress-up wears tight nylon pants on his skinny legs. He has a nice sized belly but not REAL fat. He wears a sweat band, a tendonitus wrap on his skinny fore-arm and gloves. He walks like his legs are too big to walk regular and of course sports a pair of nice air-lats. Now that he's all dressed up for the part, comes his work-out. He walks around the indoor track for about an hour. That's it. Thats all he ever does. Mr. Dress-up has a big bushey mustace and is middle-aged. He is mostly bald and wears a short little pony tail that is braided into a3 inch piggylooking tail.

Mr. Dress-up makes me laugh to myself... even if it is mean.
when u get that ridiclous your deserve to get laughed at
another one that goes on my list people that see the weights that you are doing try and copy you and end up with an injury that has happened like 4 or five times to me in the past year
Well, to be honest Mr. Dress-up doesn't ALWAYS wear the same thing. Sometimes he wears a belt too. :surprised:
i have a lot of werid people come into the gym i wrok out at (univeristy gym )a lot of profs and Lab rats and such and they do werid ass things they bring humour to gym whenever they are around becuase they do the dumbest things like once this retard was trying to do hack squats and he cleared one end so that he had 1 45 on that end and he forgot to clear the other end (3 45's)
so this guy lifts and i try and tell him but to late he heaveys and colapses
i know it's mean but when they took him to the clinic i started luaghing for a good 15 minutes
I think every gym has a few of these guys. What I really hate is when someone comes up to me and tells me to do an exercise this way or that way and the guy is about 135lbs soaking wet!