The funniest is lifting weights and you can see a guy watching you out of the corner of your eye. Then you rack the weights and watch him pick the same ones up and try the same thing. Then watching him fail and walk away with his head down. That has happened to me a couple times.

You'd think people would know how much they can or can't lift........

My favorite:

Watching dorks work biceps and the only thing they do is hammer curls and swing their back to get the weight up. Hammer curls are easier to begin with, swinging the whole body just makes me want to roll on the ground laughing.

(Nothing against hammer curls unless you're doing them just to push more weight and it's the only bicep exercise you do)


Anyone ever notice how people underestimate your strength vs your size? And anyone ever notice how size doesn't always equal strength!
That's very true, Zylo. I have a thin bone structure so I don't look extremely big (well, compared to some of the big guys on the board here), but I'd say I'm fairly strong. Everyone at my gym is always surprised at how much weight I move around, and there are three kids that I'd have to guess are probably 15-16 years old. They saw me benching a set at 225 and decided to see how heavy they could go. I thought they were going to kill themselves at one point because these kids put 205 on and they almost couldn't lift it off each other. I had to warn management about it. They were talked to, but they were at again the next week--dumb kids.
Better that than every *@!^ bleep bleep bleep on a bleep CELL PHONE while they are doing reps then sit on the machine in between there set for 10 minutes talking off in their own little world. And they wonder why the look like bleep. All the serious people who look good at the gym don't use them.

I want to kill every damn bleep that uses a cell phone while they work out. Is this just me, or is this an L.A. thing? It has gotten so bad at the Ballys gym I lift at that I would say 40% of the people walk around talking on cell phones. And if you are listing to me you are adding 10 minutes on to my workout time. So put away your bleep CELL PHONES!

Ah, I feel much better now until I go to the gym on Monday and then the vicious cycle starts all over again!!!
No Bigfrog, it's not just an L.A. thing. I live in Tennesse, and at the Gold's Gym I workout out I see it all the time. It's so damn distracting and pisses me off, but I use that agression to just push harder....
i say we ban cell phones all togeather and go back to useing pagers...or make the friggin things as big as they were when they first camne out...then on one would want to carry one much less talk on the damn
i aggree cell phones have to go, guys and gals in my gym ALL wlk aroung with their head phones and talk while they lift, i personally do not understand how they can do it. it discrats me badly to even talk to someone in person while lifting let alone on the phone!!