Gym pet peeve!

A couple of guys at my gym have tge worst B.O. Ever! Stinks up the entire gym let onions!

I know a guy that doesn't wear deoderant cause "he's a man and men are suppose to stink" yea he's Ginger with a lisp that wears shirts 3 sizes to small gets manicures and waxes his eyebrows but not having B.O. Would just be to girly...
I'd have to say when the coons get in. They can't get out, tear the trash up, and shit every where. It scares the piss out of you everytime you open the door and a coon comes running out. Btw I work out in a dilapidated dungeon.

Haha, I can only imagine the sheer terror the first time that happened
I tell y'all what I can do for. If your ever in southeast Texas give me a call and Ill hook ya up with a free one day pass to the dungeon. We have equipment that was old 20 years ago, 1 box fan, a mini fridge, a moist smelly couch, onsite security (1 eyed shit zu named Fred). It could be the best gym in the world and the rates are very reasonible
I'm serious when I say it sounds like my gym. My gym is a stone building, rubber roof, concret floors, 2 exhaust fans, a few ceiling fans, tons and tons of rust, plenty of bugs in the summer, fresh smell of BO and sweat.
I'm serious when I say it sounds like my gym. My gym is a stone building, rubber roof, concret floors, 2 exhaust fans, a few ceiling fans, tons and tons of rust, plenty of bugs in the summer, fresh smell of BO and sweat.

Nows your chance!! Open the "Bakery Gym" in the furniture store ..