Gym Rants

Im not one to tell a guy he is doing something wrong, i just keep to myself, as to not open the flood gates to a million questions first being, how did you get so big 2nd being where can I buy gear, lol, so I just keep my head set on and fuck everyone else

I am with you. Last night I was ribbing a kid about doing deads and slamming the weight. He is a good kid, but it got blown out and I have decided to just go your route. Ear buds in, water in hand, train my way and get out. Things have changed way to much and not for the better.
OK I'm fine with yr own personal music, I used to say tune out whats on the house speakers but I digress..... what bugs me is some of the younger ones do to get that "perfect" song on at the right time during their set (apparently).

The other day this guy was doing curls on cybex right in front of me. First he had to adjust his phone to whatever song he wanted, I assume. Time elapsed : 15 seconds

Next he gets going and about 8 reps in, something not quite right so he stops in middle of set to re-adjust. Elapsed time : about 10 seconds. So much for continuous tension on biceps

Then hes going at it and stops again to adjust his headphones and baseball hat. Elapsed time: 7 seconds

So theres basically 1/2 min time wasted on a set of curls, all in the name of comfort and wanting to hear his music streamed perfectly. No wonder he doesnt change. What happened to Just do it? Or shut up and lift??
I just typed this, as I speak (type) theres been this one dude who has been standing by the front desk for at least 3 min either texting or doing something on his phone. What happened to the days where you rested one min tops then went again?
The older I get the more that I hate seeing phones. We should never focus more on a phone than the person that is with us...
I wear earbuds at the gym, I do the acknowledgement nod to the people I know but I try to just put in the work and get out.
The other day the guy who talks all the time and thinks everyone should know his business approaches me in between sets, I nod but he motions for me to take my earbuds out. So I think maybe he wants to work in or wants to know how many sets I have left. As soon as I take my earbuds out he starts going on and on about some f&cking youtube video he saw, so I humor him for a minute until I realize hes pulling the video up on his phone and actually tries to hand me his phone and his earbuds so I can watch this video. I just pushed it away, said no thanks, put my earbuds back in and got back to work. Unreal. Thank you starting this thread, I feel better now that I got to vent a little.
What pisses me off more then anything is the new trend over the past few years of dudes wearing leggings at the gym. I'm sorry but if you wear spandex leggings at the gym you are gay. It's cross dressing. Don't give me bullshit about how you HAVE to wear spandex leggings because you need "full range of motion". I lift some heavy weight for legs and gym shorts and sweat pants have never gotten in my way.

So unless you're Kai Greene, Shawn Rhoden, Or Ronnie Coleman then your legs are not that big, and you don't have to wear women's clothes. It's not hardcore or cool.
Oh and stop wearing stringers unless your arms are 19+". No need to wear a stringer in your 15" spaghetti arms.
Rant over.
Is it wrong that I miss the days of no ac or heat in a gym and the only thing we bitched about was who dropped ass and stunk up the place?
Theresb this dude at my gym whos a complete bitch, hes older and hes the type of guy to do a few reps of squats or something and then the rest of the time he will walk around and follow people around talking about lifting like hes some weight training guru and how much he "use to" be able to lift, guys like that just piss me off, and theres another guy who jumps from 225, to 315, to 405 on squats and when he goes down he only goes down about an inch and a half, if you cant do it right then take the weight off
Coming from more of a powerlifting background I still hate when people drop the weights. The only time I've ever dropped the weight were on deadlift when my hand loses grip and once with lat pulldown with the full stack and my wrist strap broke unexpectedly. My two biggest no no's in the gym are grunting like your a fucking hippo with less than 185 on bench or curling 30lb dumbbells and the clueless moron when I ask how many sets they have left. Occasionally I'll get tired of waiting for someone to finish and I'll ask them how many sets they have left and these fuckers will say I don't know?????? How the fuck can you not know? And these are people who are in the gym every day yet still do not follow a program or method, just winging it everyday bouncing around cluelessly.
Theresb this dude at my gym whos a complete bitch, hes older and hes the type of guy to do a few reps of squats or something and then the rest of the time he will walk around and follow people around talking about lifting like hes some weight training guru and how much he "use to" be able to lift, guys like that just piss me off, and theres another guy who jumps from 225, to 315, to 405 on squats and when he goes down he only goes down about an inch and a half, if you cant do it right then take the weight off

I love quarter squatters! I usually find a rack next to them and burry every rep and see if they take the bait and challenge me. Battled it out against a guy one day up to 455 them I just said fuck it and threw 545 on the bar and hit 10 reps. Could see all hope leave his eyes after that set haha.
damn dude that shit would set me off, do you feel like you loose brain cells just from being around such idiots?

- - - Updated - - -

I love quarter squatters! I usually find a rack next to them and burry every rep and see if they take the bait and challenge me. Battled it out against a guy one day up to 455 them I just said fuck it and threw 545 on the bar and hit 10 reps. Could see all hope leave his eyes after that set haha.

Haha that's exactly what i do! this one time this guy was quarter squatting 155 and would make as much noise as he could when he racked it just cause hes a douche so i threw on 155 and started military pressing it and his face turned red instantly, made me feel good inside
Theresb this dude at my gym whos a complete bitch, hes older and hes the type of guy to do a few reps of squats or something and then the rest of the time he will walk around and follow people around talking about lifting like hes some weight training guru and how much he "use to" be able to lift, guys like that just piss me off, and theres another guy who jumps from 225, to 315, to 405 on squats and when he goes down he only goes down about an inch and a half, if you cant do it right then take the weight off

Seems like everyone used to bench 500, squat 600 and dead 700 LOL....or of course, thier ex Bro in law used to be Mr America or Mr Universe or Mr Whoever
Is it wrong that I miss the days of no ac or heat in a gym and the only thing we bitched about was who dropped ass and stunk up the place?
I hear the "too warm" in the summer from my members, I keep it at 72 which is too cool for me but I have to keep the ordinary members happy. The days of toughing it out are over, replaced by this wussified product that we see today. Whats next? Slurpy straws?