Gym rules- defined by you 1 at a time.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
1) If you have to jerk your whole body, lower the weight. (especially noted on rows)
5) no stretching your ball sack out on the smith machine one leg at a time. Hate that crap. Stretch some where else( in the closet at home)
ahhhh blast from the past
----don't stare at someone's wife, especially if they ae standing next to each other, and especially when he's staring back at you, especially when the husband can literally murder you with their bare hands ;)
ahhhh blast from the past
----don't stare at someone's wife, especially if they ae standing next to each other, and especially when he's staring back at you, especially when the husband can literally murder you with their bare hands ;)

I was gonna write one like this and did then deleted it cause it sounded narcisistic** Though mine was some what different and i have experienced it personaly

(if you see my wife walk into the gym with ME, then why on GODS green earth would you walk up to her and give her advice on lifting,lol,probably because your a pervert)
1. Don't stand around waiting for the opportunity to give someone lifting advice.

There is a guy at my gym that I swear just waits around to give people advice. I'm pretty sure he wants to give me advice, but I am not very approachable. lol. I see him give at least 5-7 people "advice" every time he's there.
^^^to add to that
don't watch me do an exercise you have never done, do it wrong, than tell your lifting buddies how to do it.
How about just to many people, or just lots of old people who are usually rude and think they own the place, thats why I go at 4 am now
Don't stand in front of me when I am on the hammer machine facing the mirror doing 20 lb dumbbell curls, totally clueless guy.
i want to make business card size "gym rules and gym protocal" to handout to the clueless and especially for the New Years folks who soon will be upon us for the month of january then quit because they didn't get results
*******Shadow Boxing********** stop doing that, there is no possible way that you all box!