gyno lumps dissapearing question

If you're nips are that sore bro I would seriously get some nolvadex asap. That isn't good. Mine got so bad during my first cycle as a teenager (before I learned about possible sides) that my nips were extremely sore and sensitive and I was able to squeeze them hard and some type of water came out. I'm not bullshitting either. My best friend at the time thought (my embarassing secret) was hilarious and told others at a party and when I was drunk I was freaking them out by squeezing so the water would come out.


I believe letrozole femara is similar to arimadex and something like 2.5mg is suffice per day. It's recommended you start taking Arimadex or letrozole before you start using your gear to prevent them from ever converting basically getting the anti-aromatase stuff into the blood stream before the estro-battle begins.

I've used letrozole before and liked it back in the day of LR.

BTW-if you get on tren you may run into more gyno-like probs b/c of pregnelone, progesterone or prolactin (I forgot which one) b/c it converts into one of them instead of estrogen and causes very similar side efx. People use Bromocriptine to get rid of trenbolone related gyno but the bad news is bromo shuts down GH release as well as prolactin release. Its used in people with abnormally high amounts of GH release to normalize their levels and keep growth regulated.
thanks for the input bro! i still dont have a grip on the different anti- e products. should i get letro or letro combo whats the difference. should i use it while on tren?
no if ur shit hurts now, then u have to get nolva, it will help much much faster and then start on some of the others mentioned that will stop aromitization alltogether,