gyno removal


New member
hye so i got to go see a doc, i had pre existing gyno/// progestrogen gyno/// and i took like 3 shots of tren for a week and fuck man,, two weeks later i have been checking my tits and i noticed just how fucking much more shit has developed, i know that sounds like a placebo, but i have been watchimg my tits since starting steroids , which was like 4 years ago so i have a counted inventory , so whats up with getting under the knife,, had anyone done this yet and if so how much was it
i'm cut. cost me $4,400, but i went to an excellent doc in an expensive part of the country. he gave me a discount because i had very little fat to liposculpt; you may consider asking for the same.

also, tren CANNOT CAUSE PROGESTAGENIC GYNO. binding affinity has NOTHING to do with progestagenic activity, and tren doesn't have any, like winstrol, and is actually anti-progestagenic if anything.

"In contrast, gestrinone and trenbolone had much less progestin activity than progesterone."
I thought you could get it again, b/c if they remove all of the gland then your nipple will go in, right? Anyway, I have to disagree with you marble, Ive run test now for a long time, ive been at the same dose for about 7 months, anyway i run tren and bam within the first week i can feel it starting, by the second week im lactating a tiny bit. Im not trying to be a dck jst some healthy conversation about this, Im waiting on some bromo now to see if it will help it at all, but it has been my and many others personally experience that tren will cause gyno like nothing else.
ton1333 said:
I thought you could get it again, b/c if they remove all of the gland then your nipple will go in, right? .

hey ton what do u mean by this,, if u get surgery u get ur mammory glands removed completely becuase ur a guy and u dont need them,, so that will eliminate receptors of estrogen and what not,, but what are u talking about "ur nipple with go in " this is equivocal and not clear,, but i have not had this done either so if im wrong please correct me and fill me in on what u mean by in.
he's talking about an inverted nipple which won't happen if your surgeon doesn't suck at liposculpture.

all i can say is there is zero evidence in the literature anyway to suggest or support the idea that tren can cause an increase in prolactin, and it's been directly studied. "Plasma prolactin was unaltered by the above treatments."

however, i got your answer. :D :D i certainly believe you, and it probably is the tren. it's not the tren directly though. here's the story.

as you can see from the study above, tren will slow down your thyroid considerably. hypothyroidism has been implicated in increased prolactin secretion. you're probably at greater risk here because you may have a microtumor in your pituitary or some other predisposition.

bromocriptine might help but it's going to be very unpleasant. in fact, it'll further shut down your thyroid:

i'll bet you t3 will clear it up.
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interesting, it just so happens i started some t3 yesterday, perhaps weve found the answer, because is thats it then i can go back to tren as long as i run the t3 with it!!!!Ill keep yall posted!!!:)
i dont want ot jinx the thing but i want to say i can see a difference already, might just be a decrease in fat all around though...this is day 3 on t3!
I would be interested to speak with anyone who has opted for the gyno surgery. I am treating with nolva and clomid after this cycle but I may have it.


  • 041405_2.gif
    479.6 KB · Views: 118
Cytomel is an excellent fat burner since your metabolism is greatly increased while being on it. You can afford to be a little sloppier on precontest dieting since it will still burn fat when you are taking in a lot of calories since your metabolism is going haywire.

Cytomel is a synthetic thyroid hormone (Type T-3). There are two main types of synthetic thyroid hormones that are available being this and Synthroid (T-4). This product is regarded as the stronger of the two products (it is 4-5 times stronger than Synthroid) This product works by increasing the synthesis of protein, carbohydrates, and fats as well as RNA in the body thereby increasing your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

This product usually comes in bottles of 100 tablets at 25 mcgs each. It is available in a variety of doses though ranging from 5 - 100 mcgs. per tablet.

Bodybuilders love this product for many reasons. This product is an excellent fat burner since your metabolism is greatly increased while being on it. You can afford to be a little sloppier on precontest dieting since it will still burn fat when you are taking in a lot of calories since your metabolism is going haywire. Step over Ripped Fuel, E/C/A stack, Thermodrine.

When taken with clenbuterol, this is the single best fatburning combination that is available today (with the possible exception of DNP). It also helps to make steroids more effective since it is such a good aid for protein synthesis.
Most people need to be careful to start with a low dosage, about 25 mcgs. per day and increase by about one tab or 25 mcgs per day every 5-6 days. Make sure that you don't go over 100 mcgs. per day at the very most. On days that you take muliple tabs, divide the tabs evenly across the day (i.e. 100 mcgs. would be 4 doses of 25 mcgs. apiece spread evenly across the day.)
You also need to make sure that you cycle down off this product as well to keep the thyroid functioning properly as well. Don't take for more than 5 weeks at a time as well. After doing a cycle of this drug, make sure you go at least 8 weeks before doing it again as to allow normal thyroid functioning to return.
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quadzilla said:
hye so i got to go see a doc, i had pre existing gyno/// progestrogen gyno/// and i took like 3 shots of tren for a week and fuck man,, two weeks later i have been checking my tits and i noticed just how fucking much more shit has developed, i know that sounds like a placebo, but i have been watchimg my tits since starting steroids , which was like 4 years ago so i have a counted inventory , so whats up with getting under the knife,, had anyone done this yet and if so how much was it

Before going to see a doc u should try andractim Ihave heard good things about it
anyone have expericence with this stuff,,,since it has some sort of penile injection for sale on the site as well im kinda skeptical
well ive been on the t3 for awhile and off the treen for ahwile, the t3 seemed to help for a couple of days but now the nips burn agian..ive upped the adex to 1.5 ed, ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS??????
see a doctor. you probably have a pituitary microadenoma and you may need cabergoline for life. you gotta get your blood run and PRL levels checked.

caverject is a very legitimate pharmaceutical drug and will induce erection in people unable to attain one on their own. it was the pre-viagra.
Well there's one thing for sure if you got gyno it want go away unless you have it removed.You can take stuff to help keep it under control but thats it.I had mine removed 3yrs ago it was very simple and fast.Ins paid for most of it but i got mine when i was very young it just got worse after my 3rd cycle .I had to stop in the middle of a cycle and was out of clomid.
RAZZ said:
Well there's one thing for sure if you got gyno it want go away unless you have it removed.You can take stuff to help keep it under control but thats it.I had mine removed 3yrs ago it was very simple and fast.Ins paid for most of it but i got mine when i was very young it just got worse after my 3rd cycle .I had to stop in the middle of a cycle and was out of clomid.

did yours get sore or flare up when you were not on cycle?