Hair Protection.


New member
Hello, I have been doing some research on the board regarding hair loss prevention during cycling and it has been very helpful. I have a few questions for any of the vets in this field. If someone coudl take the time to answer them it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

1.) I have been reading a lot of posts regarding Nizoral helping keep/thicken hair? I have talked to my Derm and read other places that this is strictly a anti fungis shampoo to treat dandruff and has no effects on hair thickness or growth. Anyone care to comment on this? My Derm is not your typical derm he is very well known in the dermatology arena. However, i do read a lot of different things primairly on the net.

2.) I have taking Pro-Hormones in the past which have been pretty mucy designer steriods, very strong and did not notice any noticable hair loss. I hear PH's are just as bad if not worse when it comes to side effects as gear. Is it safe to say that if i didn't notice hair issues with strong PH's, that a very low dose of test only cycle should yeild the same results? 250-300mg Test E?

3.) I have Propecia that i take off and on throughout the year, sometimes i go weeks/months without it and i jump back on it from time to time. My hair loss isn't bad at all, however i just have it as a preventive measure since i noticed my hair line receeding slightly a few years ago so i went to the doc. Is this fine to take while on Test E, to combat any potential sides?

Sorry for the long questions, any input is appreciated
Hello, I have been doing some research on the board regarding hair loss prevention during cycling and it has been very helpful. I have a few questions for any of the vets in this field. If someone coudl take the time to answer them it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

1.) I have been reading a lot of posts regarding Nizoral helping keep/thicken hair? I have talked to my Derm and read other places that this is strictly a anti fungis shampoo to treat dandruff and has no effects on hair thickness or growth. Anyone care to comment on this? My Derm is not your typical derm he is very well known in the dermatology arena. However, i do read a lot of different things primairly on the net.

2.) I have taking Pro-Hormones in the past which have been pretty mucy designer steriods, very strong and did not notice any noticable hair loss. I hear PH's are just as bad if not worse when it comes to side effects as gear. Is it safe to say that if i didn't notice hair issues with strong PH's, that a very low dose of test only cycle should yeild the same results? 250-300mg Test E?

3.) I have Propecia that i take off and on throughout the year, sometimes i go weeks/months without it and i jump back on it from time to time. My hair loss isn't bad at all, however i just have it as a preventive measure since i noticed my hair line receeding slightly a few years ago so i went to the doc. Is this fine to take while on Test E, to combat any potential sides?

Sorry for the long questions, any input is appreciated
yeah that should be good. You could also take finasteride(sp?), to combat it. You should be fine with test at that dose. Ive done 850/wk with no hair problems, but hairloss doesnt run in my family either though. Its the tren you really have to worry about with hair problems bro
Thanks for the reply. Propecia active ingredient is finasteride, so i do have it on hand. My friends keep telilng me to not worry, its not like your going to take a inj. and wake up the next day with no hair lol. However, it is somethign i am concerned with, but at those doses and running that product i may not have as much issue as higher dose and mixing compounds. It's my first run with gear so i am just unsure as to how my body will react, hence the low dose i'm taking
Ive seen winstrol knock peoples wig of in a

Not the little 2mg pills but when they took 50-100mg a few times a week.

Ive never seen anything else do it that fast.
well i won't be taking winstrol, but thanks for the heads up. I never plan on taking anything like winny since that ranks up there with the worst on hair
Thanks for the reply Body2see. I plan on only running low dose test and for roughly 14-16wks. This will be my first cycle so i want to make sure i have all other meds on hand. I have nolve, letro and finasteride ready to go. I guess i am being a little anal, but i rather have everything i can think of to combat any side i may run into.

Do you guys feel 1mg of finasteride is enough for 250mg/week of test? I haven't seen any studies that say taking more fina is better in blocking dht conv.
Derms or doctors dont know about nizorals hair effect. The active ingredient in nizoral is anti-fungal and also ANTI-EVERY HORMONE. DHTis the hormone that binds to the hair follicle and nizoral destroys the hormone DHT at the root which helps keep your hair.

Nizorals active ingredient is available in oral ( pill) form and studies show it decreased testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, DHT, basically those internal studies is what lead people like dan duchaine to theorize that topical application would kill DHT at the root thereby allowing your hair to live another day.

I leave it on 5-10 minutes while I shower. 3-5 times a week. It works.

Dont expect any doctor to tell you this unless they are well versed in bodybuilding life.
Derms or doctors dont know about nizorals hair effect. The active ingredient in nizoral is anti-fungal and also ANTI-EVERY HORMONE. DHTis the hormone that binds to the hair follicle and nizoral destroys the hormone DHT at the root which helps keep your hair.

Nizorals active ingredient is available in oral ( pill) form and studies show it decreased testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, DHT, basically those internal studies is what lead people like dan duchaine to theorize that topical application would kill DHT at the root thereby allowing your hair to live another day.

I leave it on 5-10 minutes while I shower. 3-5 times a week. It works.

Dont expect any doctor to tell you this unless they are well versed in bodybuilding life.

Thanks for the detailed response man!! Will the otc nizoral they have at the store be fine? I believe that's the 1% version.

also, I am still trying to find out how much finasteride i should take with the a mount of test i will be taking per week? 1mg is the standard amount, will this work with 250mg/wk test, or should i bump it?

Thanks guys!!
You need nizoral 2% either by prescription or do a search on google may reliable canadian copanies sell it. 1mg finesteride is more than fine on the amount of test your taking.
Thanks Cyphon. One question i do have is how will i know if hair is being affected? Obviously i know shedding hair is a sign, but I've also heard of " itchy scalp"?

Are their any other signs that will indicate hair is being affected?
basicaly when you run you hands through your hair if you notice more thn usual coming out on your hand thats a good sign.......when you shower if theres alot of loss you'll notice but at those low doses it really shouldnt be an issue.

Ive done 8 times that amount and prevented loss with nizoral. Itchy scalp can be a sign of dry scalp.........Ive never heard about itchy scalp being a sign but maybe someone else has input on that.
I will call my derm and get a script for 2%, thanks Cyphon. Have you or anyone else ever heard of hair shedding when first taking propecia? I have been reading more claims of people saying they shed a lot of hair during the intial stages, but my derm as well as other articles ive read said that isn't true. Just curious if anyone has gone through this?
I hear you shed hair with minoxidil at first and with other products.....I personally never experienced that phenomenon with any hair product.
Winstrol and eq are the worst when it comes to my hairline. I have a little recession, much less than the one in the us. LOL. eq was worst.
Thanks for all the responses. Many are telling me i will be fine on this dose, since its very conservative, however, I have purchased finpecia and perscription propeca for up to 6months use. This is my first run with gear and i am a little nervious to the sides, but I will let you guys know how it goes.
my dad's side is bald, and its creepin up on me, especially with the cycles I've done. I got proscar from my doctor, which is the finasteride mentioned earlier, the mega-strength version of propecia. Seems to keep what I have.
I've been thinking about getting some propecia myself. I'd at least like to hang on to what hair I have left considering both my younger and older brother have lost theirs. My hair loss accelerated some when I went on HRT, but I still have some hair up there that I'd like to keep.
I've been thinking about getting some propecia myself. I'd at least like to hang on to what hair I have left considering both my younger and older brother have lost theirs. My hair loss accelerated some when I went on HRT, but I still have some hair up there that I'd like to keep.

Don't waste any time bro, finasteride can be purchased very cheap and is worth saving your hair. Question for you, when you say HRT doses accelerated yoru hair loss, did you just notice you were shedding a lot?

Also, do you use nizoral shampoo?
Wanted to bump this thread to let you guys know that i purchased the Nizoral 2% and applied it for my first time last night. I plan on using it 1-2 times a week.

I have nioxon shampoo/conditioner as my cleaner for days inbetween which is suppose to be a great shampoo for dht and thicker hair.

I did notice that after using nizoral for one time that my hair definatly felt dry..i can't imagine how one can use this everdyay, gues it depends on what type of hair you have, but a good conditioner is definatly recommended.

I'll keep you all posted