Hangover Cures

Dude I haven't had a hangover in years. Hangovers are caused by a vitamin B deficeincy. Smoking and Alchohol severly deplete your vitamin B reserves. Get yourself a bottle of b complex at walmart and take a couple before you go out, and a couple of more before you crash. You'll be in a better mood partying and no hangover in the morning.
buffgrandpa said:
Dude I haven't had a hangover in years. Hangovers are caused by a vitamin B deficeincy. Smoking and Alchohol severly deplete your vitamin B reserves. Get yourself a bottle of b complex at walmart and take a couple before you go out, and a couple of more before you crash. You'll be in a better mood partying and no hangover in the morning.

Wow great info. Don't drink myself, but it's surely somehing to pass along to some of my bro's ;)
i usually drink a big cup of water or two and down a couple of alleve before going to sleep or passing out. don't wake up with the hangover, just feel weak sometimes. just need to rehydrate and you will be golden.
before sleep:
64 oz of water
4 advil PM

upon waking:
32 oz of gatorade
PB&J sandwich

that always works for me.
that or i'll take a couple vals before i hit the sack with the water, and don't feel anything, ever.