Happy Birthday MikeSwift...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
happy birthday brother have a good day man. Just dont go to work today play hookie ;).
Happy Birthday Mike... In your heart, do you still feel like a little kid? I know I do and have no plans to ever grow up..ever and you can't make me!
Dam, isn't this your third this year - your ploy for presents and compliments?
Brooooo, Your in your prime - ride it as long as possible. Gotta look good cus
when you are out and about w/your new baby, believe me, they are babe-magnets!!
hahaha yeah I'm sure there will be lots of hotties around and I'm sure my baby is going to weigh a ton so my arms will just so happen to be flexed while walking around holding the little tyke. ;)