Has anyone here tried DHT blocking shampoo to stop balding

The Survivor

New member
I dont have a huge issue, but wanna keep up on it. Has anyone ever tried the shampoo that us gear heads are supposed to use to reverse or imped baldness? Did it help? Is it expensive? thanks
I have but not sure it did shit lol I also use the finestera solution we sell here in our store, and again not sure how well they worked as it's hard to say. , would I have thinned out more without using them or not, no idea, lol but I used them before .
I'm using a DHT blocking shampoo now with a Toco supp. To early to tell anything though. Been shearing a ton lately.
Using Purador Argan Oil right now.

Also Nizoral 2% is suppose to be good as well. I haven't tried it yet.
i use REGENEPURE ,,25$ a bottle .. im 48 and worried about hair loss Regenepure has slowed it down considerably, i use about a quarter size amount 2 or 3 times a week and a bottle lasts a cple months at least

It does contain Nizoral but leaves your hair looking,feeling and smelling way better than just nizoral shampoo...its on ebay!!
i use REGENEPURE ,,25$ a bottle .. im 48 and worried about hair loss Regenepure has slowed it down considerably, i use about a quarter size amount 2 or 3 times a week and a bottle lasts a cple months at least

It does contain Nizoral but leaves your hair looking,feeling and smelling way better than just nizoral shampoo...its on ebay!!

Have you seen a difference from using it or can you not tell? Just curious, as I'm thinking of using something with the finesteride i just started taking again
Yes it was over a 3 month period while on cycle he actually had thicker hairs . I've been on cycle for awhile and I have more shedding than I ever did before so I tried it. Also taking a Toco supp as well. That has usually stopped the shedding in the past.

I just got it off Amazon.
fina w/ dht shampoo takes 6 months for good improvement according to studies... I'm still waiting on Presser to get that arthritis drug that increases hair growth... He better share :/
My Buddy had hair thicken up over the top of the head. My shedding is slowing down so it is working so far. It's a big ass bottle so I will run it out and see what happens over a bottle.