Has anyone tried carb cycling on a diet?

mark mcgwire

New member
I'm curious what you guys think about carb cycling during a diet phase.

For example, last year I had high carb day on Mon 300g carbs, followed by 200g carbs on Tues, followed by 100g on Wed, and finally 50g on Thurs. Then start over again with the high carb day. I had great results with it.

Anyone else use this kind of carb cycling with there diet?
im doing a lean bulker right now and on w/o days i eat about 400g of carbs and non workout days i eat about 100 grams of low gi carbs, im three weeks into cycle up 5 pounds and my waist is getting smaller and i am a lot leaner. my cycle right now is 750 test enanthate per week and 50mg dbol a day. i find carb cycling works really well for me lets me lose bf while keepigg my size
last year I did a zig zag diet

3 days low carb (50-60)
1 day high carb (no more than 300)
3 days low
1 day high, and so on

it worked really well for me
I do a CKD with carbs as needed to replenish muscle glycogen so that I don't training a muscle group twice w/o a carb-up.

GnB, how did you function with 3 straight days of no/low carbs?? After one day of low carbs, I was weak and cranky in the gym.
mark mcgwire said:
GnB, how did you function with 3 straight days of no/low carbs?? After one day of low carbs, I was weak and cranky in the gym.

clen and ECA's bro (2 week rotation)
low carbs

well i go 3 down one med one high!! i eat a ton of p/b on diet! and get hard as nails......................but the p/b is my secret
I used Dan Duchanes "Body Opus" program several years ago. Its a nice change of menu, and I love the pump after My 48hr carb up, but those depletion work outs were a bitch!

I would lose about 9 lbs then carb up 7lbs. The weight loss way consistant too.
My buddy does the carb cyle thing for shows. He was trying to explain it to me. I think it was 150 one day 100 the next then 50 the next then 300 then 150 again etc... Like that.
from the sounds of most of you guys it looks like the most success comes from multiple no carb days. I hate to do this, but I'll give anything a shot.

I've been on a clean diet for over 3 weeks and should probably kick on some cardio starting next week.

Ugh, I'm gonna dread this...:sick: