Have had good results stacking EQ, but everyone else says its a waste?


New member
I've stacked with EQ my second cycle and I thought it was great, so was thinking about using it again. I started to study up and pretty much everywhere the opinions away towards it being a waste of money or just and appetite inducer. I mean obviously everyone feels different but I thought it made a big difference. Well that is apprised to not having it at all. So to say it's better than nothing stacked but not as good as others. Anyways just want some input/opinions on EQ stacked with say Test E since that was my experience.
I've stacked with EQ my second cycle and I thought it was great, so was thinking about using it again. I started to study up and pretty much everywhere the opinions away towards it being a waste of money or just and appetite inducer. I mean obviously everyone feels different but I thought it made a big difference. Well that is apprised to not having it at all. So to say it's better than nothing stacked but not as good as others. Anyways just want some input/opinions on EQ stacked with say Test E since that was my experience.
Eq is one of my favorites makes me vascular joints always feel great at 600 or more but their is the the rbc count. That does require the blood donating. Need to just learn to do that myself.

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I want to try it low dose long term with Test.

My second cycle I ran test e with Eq & orals for 14 weeks. My first was test e alone with orals. I could tell the difference quite a bit. I got a lot bulkier ( probably cause I ate like a monster) but i felt all around that was just better pumps and I didn't seem to loose strength as much afterward. On the test alone I gained a lot of lean muscle but was still just a bit average and lost more afterward. Just my experience. I think that's what I'm going to be starting soon is the stack again, just was hoping for some .02 of the experienced. If you can't afford it its def not a must have but for the little extra I think it's well worth it. I look at EQ kind of as investment. That way I'm not as pissed when I start to shrink a bit. Also I did 600 ew EQ and 500 ew of test e. I took dbol last time in the beginning tho and this time I'm thinking of anavar in the end. That's if I actually get quality var.
I recently started a thread asking about EQ also. The consensus here seems to be that most guys really like it. I asked a buddy about it as well and his immediate answer was that he prefers EQ hands down over Deca.
I just want to eat her ass..... Jesus...

Bold is a great compound. Next time I run it I will be using 1.5g a week and go from there.

200mg cyp
1.5g bold
400mg 1-test cyp
600mast e

All for 16 weeks
I just want to eat her ass..... Jesus...

Bold is a great compound. Next time I run it I will be using 1.5g a week and go from there.

200mg cyp
1.5g bold
400mg 1-test cyp
600mast e

All for 16 weeks
I know right MM avatar. The chick that was his avatar with the sunglass's she pulled my freakin trigger. Back to eq, dang bro at that dose you don't have any bp issues.

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I'm running it right now and love it.

Test P 100 EOD
Tren A 100 EOD
EQ 300 EOD
Tren E 200 Mon Thurs

Adding in winny and var shortly
I know right MM avatar. The chick that was his avatar with the sunglass's she pulled my freakin trigger. Back to eq, dang bro at that dose you don't have any bp issues.

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I don't know yet, I will have blood work done whenever I do run that cycle
I like EQ it just seems to be mild on a mg/mg basis and you will need to donate blood. It is a great one to run on a long run 15+ weeks. It seems like it take 4-5 weeks before it starts to kick in for me.

I am one of the lucky who get no additional hunger!! I think it is very easy going on the system with few sides unlike the "king", Tren.
I don't get the hunger side from it either but 900-1200mg a week and man you can feel and see it working.
Everyone is different, for me it has to be run over 900 with low test for Me:
-high EQ/low Test = good lean gains
-high EQ/higher Test = nothing, EQ is test based, think they may compete
-low EQ/whatever = nothing
-very high EQ/no test = amazing, rapid gains...anxiety is real though
Eq is one of my favorites makes me vascular joints always feel great at 600 or more but their is the the rbc count. That does require the blood donating. Need to just learn to do that myself.

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I see blood donating mentioned a lot... you also mentioned red blood cell count... do you actually mean: go donate blood because you have too many rbc's? Or is that"slang" for going to get your blood tests done?
I see blood donating mentioned a lot... you also mentioned red blood cell count... do you actually mean: go donate blood because you have too many rbc's? Or is that"slang" for going to get your blood tests done?

No it is what it is meaning go donate blood.