HCG Red Knots?


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Does anyone else get big red knots from shots of HCG? I get these big nasty red knots every time I inject. They are not infections and go away after a few days.
it means its bad shit. Bad hgh does the same thing. Throw it out and get some new HCG.
I assumed he meant fake since if a product was only expired, I wouldn't think it would cause knots like that.
Well that sucks. I don't think it is fake. It came from a good place, but who knows. It sure as hell does make some big red knots every single time I use it. I will get rid of it and try to get more.
It may be fake and who knows it could be your body reacting to it as well. Have you ever had knots before or is this the only time?
If it was burning for a couple days and you felt like you were on fire its most likely probaly bad shit bro.
Are you injecting it properly?

There's HCG that is to be injected Sub-q and there's HCG that can be injected IM... I've read about folks that had the IM version and didn't know it, so they injected it Sub-Q and had the reaction that you are describing... Just a thought.
I always did mine im personally. Then again in hindsight the times I used it, it said intramuscular so maybe Im not as stupid as I thought I was at first. LOL Is this still bothering you.