Hello all

Flex's Girl

New member
Hey guys, I just registered a few minutes agi and wanted to say hello to everyone. This is my first time on your website and I like what I see so far (mainly flexmaster...heeheehee).
Flex's Girl said:
Hey guys, I just registered a few minutes agi and wanted to say hello to everyone. This is my first time on your website and I like what I see so far (mainly flexmaster...heeheehee).
ok, this is either some 15 year old girl or one of you guys messing with me. nice work on making an intro in the female fitness forum, that's clever.LOL

BTW, Flex's Girl...you've never even seen my face, how do you know what i look like? and what's with the name, shit!
Welcome aboard...though your choice in men is a little off...IP is the man around here...YEAH RIGHT....man biyatch...change my signature you punk arse Englishman who thinks listening to House of Pain makes him irish...LMAO
Zylo said:
Flex, I didn't know you were such a stud!

Welcome to the board if you're for real though :)
look at me bro
<-------------------- the ladies love a guy who can cook.LOL
Re: Re: Hello all

flexmaster said:
ok, this is either some 15 year old girl or one of you guys messing with me. nice work on making an intro in the female fitness forum, that's clever.LOL

BTW, Flex's Girl...you've never even seen my face, how do you know what i look like? and what's with the name, shit!
Let's just say you know who I am Flex, we go to the same school. I was watching you on this site once last term and saw you log in as Flexmaster, I was sitting right next to you. We also had nutrition together 2 term ago. And BTW, I am 19 so you're in luck...I'm legal;) !
Re: Re: Re: Hello all

Flex's Girl said:
Let's just say you know who I am Flex, we go to the same school. I was watching you on this site once last term and saw you log in as Flexmaster, I was sitting right next to you. We also had nutrition together 2 term ago. And BTW, I am 19 so you're in luck...I'm legal;) !

first off, i don't even know who you are, second...I'M IN LUUUUVE!!!! i've got the most beautiful, caring, funny, and ridiculously HOT girlfriend in the world so sorry you're out of luck. hang out here if you want but please don't respond to my posts or pm/email me anymore. also, please keep who you are to yourself, i'd rather not know. not to be an ass, that's just the way i roll.
i'm jealouse, i never had groupies...well there was once this 16yo student in a health class i tought but shit, i coulda been her father...come to think of it her mom was pertty hot...lmao
MdTNT said:
i'm jealouse, i never had groupies...well there was once this 16yo student in a health class i tought but shit, i coulda been her father...come to think of it her mom was pertty hot...lmao
i don't get them that often, but when i do i love to shoot 'em down...especially since i've seriously got the best girl so it's not even tempting to me. what's really funny is i subcribed to this thread just incase she wrote back and when i got the email my girl and i both looked at eachother and started laughing.