Help creating a high mg test blend

this community so far has been awesome, its cool if your willing to brew you really don't have to leave your ass swinging in the breeze to many times i mean hell 300 bucks worth of powder and your set fir at least a few years. Any suggestions on lab supplies please offer em up.

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The reason im attempting to brew such a high mg test is because i run high doses and i get tired of pinning a bunch of oil and i usually run multiple compounds like right now im on test p and e plus tren a bold cyp and npp and im pretty ch doing 5ml shots everyother day. So with this test450 blend i want to only have to inject 1ml twice a week and ill also probably make ahigh dose tren e/hex ans a eq. My goal is to be able to run multipe complounds woth twice a week 3ml injections and if possible using a smaller gauge needle than the 22g ive been haveing to use. So if i do go to 450mg with e c and iso what. Should my ratios of guauicol benzyl silicate EO and bb and ba be ill be makeing 500ml on this brew. Also. reason i choose iso instead of prop is so twice a week injections will keep blood level more steady than using prop but also have a lower estro conversion compared to longer easters. As i want this blend to be more for lean mass and less water weight u would get from deconate
And im probable gonna useing usp mct oil as my carrier. I used it with my blend of 100mg test tren mast prop blend ans it was awesome i used 10 percent eo also but probably didn't need with mct oil
The reason im attempting to brew such a high mg test is because i run high doses and i get tired of pinning a bunch of oil and i usually run multiple compounds like right now im on test p and e plus tren a bold cyp and npp and im pretty ch doing 5ml shots everyother day. So with this test450 blend i want to only have to inject 1ml twice a week and ill also probably make ahigh dose tren e/hex ans a eq. My goal is to be able to run multipe complounds woth twice a week 3ml injections and if possible using a smaller gauge needle than the 22g ive been haveing to use. So if i do go to 450mg with e c and iso what. Should my ratios of guauicol benzyl silicate EO and bb and ba be ill be makeing 500ml on this brew. Also. reason i choose iso instead of prop is so twice a week injections will keep blood level more steady than using prop but also have a lower estro conversion compared to longer easters. As i want this blend to be more for lean mass and less water weight u would get from deconate
Take this how u want, I am just stating my options on experience. High mg per ml that is dosed correctly always hurt. I agree to an extent that when I am doing over 9cc's a week that acne from something(worse) can get worse. But I also have gotten acne from whatever Kalpa Pharm uses even at 4cc's a week.

What I have done is I avoid high mg juice because pain and solvents and oils used can play a part on things. I try to use good gear dosed correctly because sometimes 5cc's is because it's underdosed or raw powder purity is low.
It sucks when we having to do a ton especially if we don't have to.

Something I found over years of using is combining the right compounds at right time add to gains and effects of gear. Sbhg, thing that lower it or bind to it. Controlling estro but not over doing so that I am crashing it. Not taking too many orals. Too many orals make liver sluggish, sluggish liver hinders health and gains. Getting enough rest. I am guilty of sleeping only 4-6 hours a night. If I force myself to do 7 it's like night and day.

Now for myself a week of good gear does the job in these amounts and I don't compete so I only stack testosterone with one other injectable and a low dosed oral sometimes at kicker and other times at 10 week plateau or add tren a switching to prop at plateau.
750 testosterone
400 of deca
400 eq
500 mast
350 tren a
Primo too expensive don't use for legit rest is usually masteron and eq
50 mg proviron
30 mg dbol 4 weeks only
20 mg superdrol 3 weeks only
50 mg anavar 5 weeks only

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Your cycles sound close mine i just want this hogh se gear cause i usually un 3 compounds like test and eq with either deca or tren and sometimes when i use tren ill throw in a little npp or small dose of deca and i always use proviron and sometimes var with extremestane as needed and sometimes ill do a kick start with dbol and short esters then at the end of cycle switch back to short esters. Im also gonna do a blast and cruise this year and dabble with peptides and some mk677 plus igf1 and insulin
I dont care about the pip as when i mix other compounds in the same shot i never get pip or it at least helps make it more pleasant
Your cycles sound close mine i just want this hogh se gear cause i usually un 3 compounds like test and eq with either deca or tren and sometimes when i use tren ill throw in a little npp or small dose of deca and i always use proviron and sometimes var with extremestane as needed and sometimes ill do a kick start with dbol and short esters then at the end of cycle switch back to short esters. Im also gonna do a blast and cruise this year and dabble with peptides and some mk677 plus igf1 and insulin
Good deal bro. I like high mg too. Don't know if I said I correct but quality seems hard to find sometimes. Just wish things would be up to par. I don't mind paying a little more if it's overdosed just a little. It's hard to keep things right with inconsistencies. Those #'S are what I go by. I can always tell if they not working for me. Let me know if your raws are quality.

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I just need help with recipe as ive used eo but never benzyl silicate. Can some one give me a good recipe for this blend that will be stable and hold ans be as pip free possible. Also is mct oil best carrier for this brew or is there a better one for holding this high mg blend

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This also my first time useing Guaiacol. Need help with exact recipe plz from a master
Ive seen another persons mass spec test it all came back about 95percent pure exept one test done on proviron but i ordered some so ill let u know how things turn out
I just need help with recipe as ive used eo but never benzyl silicate. Can some one give me a good recipe for this blend that will be stable and hold ans be as pip free possible. Also is mct oil best carrier for this brew or is there a better one for holding this high mg blend

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This also my first time useing Guaiacol. Need help with exact recipe plz from a master
I think there are some threads on here that may help u. Look on raw powder conversion forum on home page or under forums in using taptalk.
If it were me I would just do it at 300 per. I think there are some recipes on some of the raw powder sites. Like pharmade look them up. Or bass killer there are some high mg ones. Heavyiron also posted some on another forum someone's else recipes.

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It shouldn't be too hard to get 400-450mg/ml. Just don't use too much test-c since cyp crashes easier. I've never went that high on a test blend before but I can give you a suggestion. I don't think you need to go more than 15-20% on BB, and 20% on EO. You'll just need to adjust the guaiacol dose. 20% on BB will help make the oil thinner though.

Start out by mixing the BB + EO in with the powder over heat. Then gradually add in the guaiacol until the solution is completely clear. You could probably alternate the guaiacol with some eo. Then add in the carrier (mct, gso, etc) and BA. You could go use all EO as the carrier as well. But I personally only like to use a little bit. The stuff is strong.

You'll also need some pvdf filters if you are going to end up using a decent ratio of eo and guaiacol. Otherwise the typical pes filters should be able to handle it.
Trust i got all the proper eq. My blend will e 200mg e 200mg c nd 50mg ph. I have ba mct oil gauiacol bb eo and bs. I need the best recipe useing these solvents and ba and a exact amout of ach to use for a thin painless stable recipe. I want to make the best gear for my goals and requests from friends. I was aske for this blend and i like the idea of t also

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450 mg per ml total
Ok my plan is to make test 450mg per ml with 200ml test e 200mg test c and 50mg test isocaproate unless someone with good reason can convince me that test caproate would be a better choise n the test iso. I will be useing mct oil as my carrier oil with 2/20 ba bb. And a percentage of EO not sure how much perctage EO though and im also debateing on throwong in some gauicol. Id greatly appreciate some help on this mixture as ive never gone so high with a long ester and never used gauicol before. The most technical blend ive probably made was a pain free testp mastp and trena 100mg each blend and i did it with mct oil and about 25% EO. Need help from a veteran here as m no noob but definitely not a master yet at least and my goal is to be the best and have the best top quality product. Again thank you for any and all help

The name of the game is overall viscosity.
You want to have a high solute amount and the lowest viscosity for the mixture. To achieve that with high solute you will need high solvent ratio, in the practical world 30% plus. A 50% or greater solvent to solute and carrier. Also, studies have shown that BA also lowers the overall viscosity of an oil based solution IM injected. This creates a higher efficiency to the absorption rate. I am not saying it lowers the half-life, but that is starts the metabolism of more hormone molecules sooner.

So in conclusion , you want to have as high a BA + EO > Carrier + Hormone(solute) , that one can stand. If you have excellent EO tolerance then you can use EO solely as the carrier and solvent, with the BA and BB respectively. I do this myself.
I heard it better to use30-50% eo and solvents to best results is to splitt the 30-50 solvent like useing small amoutss of bb gauiacol annd bynzel silicate all usp grade of course but i 30percent solvents 20percent eo and 50percent gmp usp standard

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Any thoughts the % of each solvent
just read the whole post ..
how did it go bro..what was the final recipe..
i dont like going over 333mg per ml purley for PIP...its very possible to go over this with test e with just the normal 2% BA 18-20% BB
im about to go 400mg with EQ with less BB..
anyways hope you got it sorted
Yes came out nice smooth and painless had it tested and came out to 398 actual mg of test. Used EO as a carrier and used a combination of ba bb bs and small amount of gauicol about 2 percent. The ba was 2.5 bb was 7.5 bs was 10 or 12 can't remember for sure on that one but it came out super thin and very smooth I was very proud of it as it was my first time trying such a high dose with that blend of esters which I used approximately 40 mg phynelprop 180 test c and 180 test e. Everyone made very fast and solid gains on it but next time I think instead of phynelprop I'm gonna use isocapracote

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