Help my girl


New member
Hey ladies, the problem i have is that my girl and i are getting married in June and she wants to loose weight. She used to be thin but then with school and a lot of other distractions she gained a lot of weight. I really dont have a problem with it but she does. She needs to loose about 50 lbs before June. WHat do you ladies think would be a good way to start her off. Low Carb? Low Fat? I am not sure where to start with her. Also how much cardio do you think she should be doing. Any info would be appretiated. Thanks.

How bout a nice ECA stack and some aerobic exercise?? afternoon walks are good cardio to do with ECA stacks in my opinion, and of course cut the carbs, eat lean and clean, grilled chicken brest, salads ect.
I would start by having her clean up her diet and limiting her carb and fat intake. Stick to good carbs like brown rice, sweet pot, and oatmeal. Stick to lean protein like eggs, chicken, fish...etc...
And don't forget the veggies! Drink lots of water!

Classes are a great idea for cardio.....spinning is my favorite! If she doesn't like classes...then have her do some type of cardio for 45 mintues 5 days per week. She should also incorporate some type of strength training into her program.

Good luck! :)
Missfit said:
I would start by having her clean up her diet and limiting her carb and fat intake. Stick to good carbs like brown rice, sweet pot, and oatmeal. Stick to lean protein like eggs, chicken, fish...etc...
And don't forget the veggies! Drink lots of water!

Classes are a great idea for cardio.....spinning is my favorite! If she doesn't like classes...then have her do some type of cardio for 45 mintues 5 days per week. She should also incorporate some type of strength training into her program.

Good luck! :)

Excellent advice. Diet and cardio are the focus here. And the water is very very important.