Help with diet

Loch Ness

New member
I'm going to show you a typical day of my diet. Any suggestions are welcome. I am ten
weeks out from my first show.

2 whole eggs
8 egg whites
1 pack regulare oatmeal(nasty)
.5 cup blueberries
1tblsp flax oil

Met-rx ultra mrp
2 tblsp nat. peanut butter

10 oz. chicken/tuna
3 cups brocolli
1tblsp flax oil

2pm (pre-workout)
21g whey
20g simple carbs
5g creatine
5g glutamine
2 tblsp nat. peanut butter

4-4:30 (post-workout)
44g whey protein
30g simple carbs (juice)

10oz. chicken/tuna
3 cups brocollii
1 tblsp flax oil

7 pm
10 oz. steak/salmon
small salad w/ fat free dressing

protein shake

Well there it is please feel free to coment and make suggestions to droping carbs in the
coming weeks.
oh yeah also 5g of creatine and glutamine post workout.
I'm 5'11'' 228 at 8% 21yrs. old
Having trouble with fat around belly button and lower back.
Cardio 4xweek 30min
Here's a macronutrient profile for a 235 lber. You're close enough - -just cut a few carbs:


At a fast glance it looks like your cals may be a bit off, protein intake too high and carbs too low. If 1 gm per lb was good enough for Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer I think most of us can live with it :-)
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It would be easier if I knew what your goal Bf% is for the show, I am assuming you want to be at 2-3% though. . Also, have you ever dieted down for a show before? I will go through your diet now and you can post your answers to those questions later, and I will try and make adjustments if neccesary. But first off, stop taking Flax oil throughout the day. Take it in the morning only. Get some MCT oil and take 1 tbs with each meal. Do not get the orange flavored MCT fuel by Twin Labs with the apple pectin in it either (it will mess with your insulin levels, especially post workout), only pure MCT Oil. Start taking 5 grams of glutamine, 5 times per day, and 5 grams of creatine with breakfast and before and after your workouts.

Meal 1
Only eat 1 full egg, and 9 egg whites. At four weeks out stop eating whole eggs and eat 12 egg whites. Stop eating blueberries also. Keep eating the oatmeal, but put 1 tbls of raisins (un-sugared) in it (raisins make it easier to choke down), and 1 tbl flax, and 1 tbl MCT oil.

Meal 2
The MRP is alright for now, but at 3-4 weeks out, stop taking any protien suppliments, and get rid of the peanut butter (sorry)! Eat 1 1/2 cups of sweet potatoes instead, and 1 tbl MCT oil.

Meal 3
is alright for now, at 4 weeks out only chicken though, actually at 3-4 weeks out you will want to eat only chicken with every meal except breakfast. And, 1 tbl MCT oil.

Meal 4
21 grams of protien is not enough. For now drink a 44 gram protien drink, and a cup of broccoli. At 3-4 weeks out, no protien supliments, only chicken and broccoli.

meal 5
No sugar unless you are using insulin! 8-10 oz of Chicken and 1 1/2 cups broccoli! For now you might think aboout 1 small apple, but at 4 weeks out, no apple either, and 1 tbl MCT oil

Meal 6
looks good for now, but at 3-4 weeks out, chicken only. And 1 tbl MCT oil.

Meal 7
If you want to keep red meat in your diet (I am next time I cut for a show), eat it post workout with meal 5, and eat chicken for this meal. Eat the broccoli with the beef for meal 5, and the salad with the chicken for this meal with 2 tbls MCT oil and lemon for your salad dressing (MCT oil is a salad dressing oil).

Meal 8
NO, NO, NO carbs before bed!!!
Eat 8 oz of chicken only and 1 tbls MCT oil.

As you progress, and it gets closer to your show, you will have to make adjustments in your diet. Its really hard to help when I can't physically see what you look like, but i will try to help up to your show. You might have to do more cardio also, its hard to say. Also, suppliments are very important, so let me know what you are taking, how much and what times in the day. I will say this, when you are dieting hard for a show, you become suseptible to getting sick, which will completely destroy your efforts. Take a multi vit, 200mg Vit B-6, and 1000mg Vit C 3 times per day. It would help if I knew what AAS, if any, you are on also. Good luck! Later
Thank you so much for giving me such detailed information and helping me with my diet.
Yes my bf goal is around 2-3%, and no I have never dieted for a show. I was hoping
to compete in the novice division of 176+. Taking 5g glutamine pre, post workout and
before bed. Take creatine 5g pre and post workout. Trying r-ala @ 200mg 3xday with
meals. Had good results with regular ala @ 3g/day, so I might switch back. I take
1 nyc before cardio and workout. Also selnium 200mg/day and vit C 1g/ day (will bump
up to 3). A multi-vit twice a day. I hope that got most of your questions. Also did you
train each body part more than once a week? I'm still lifting heavy right now, but that
might change once the diet really gets strict. Oh yeah I on eq/tren/test prop.
400mg/wk eq, 100mg/eod test prop, and 75mg/eod tren. I want to throw in some liqua
clen to help with the fat loss. Thanks again for all your help.
That is a cool program, only problem is it is not set up for a BBer getting ready for a show. It might be able to be altered though.

Loch Ness, Take the glutamin 5 times per day, it will help conserve muscle mass when you are dieting down. Be sure to take the 1 gram vit C, multi Vit and B-6 3 times per day.

Train heavy till about 3-4 weeks out (mattering on how you feel and where your wieght and Bf is), then start removing a little weight, and adding a few reps. EXCEPT your legs, train them heavy till a week before, and don't train them the last week. I would suggest to train your legs heavy the Sunday before (I am assuming your show is on a Saturday), then let them have the week to recover. A few other things you should know:
Get a posing coach! It will help you immensly. Not only with your posing, but your confidence also.
When you are dieting hard for a show, you are going to lose muscle mass, even with AAS, there is no getting around it. The mass you lose is what will make you look ripped and striated. So, don't let it get to you, because its going to fuck with your head. I wanted to quit every single day because I was losing a lot of mass, but it was worth it in the end. Last thing, when you get backstage, do not worry about what other guys look like, or how they pose. consentrate on getting a good pump and how you look. You are only competing with yourself out there, the judges will decide the rest! Have fun and show the crowd why they paid for a ticket!! Good luck bro, Later
SGRINAVI great help ty any ideas where you canget a cookbook or meal planner to match that plan it would ytake me a while to figure everything out for each meal LOL i would starve b4 i got to eat