Hey Bro's, What it going on with Chem.?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Choke03
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Hey Bro's been away awhile, got alot of personal shit on my plate.
But I got an E-Mail from some sight threatening turning me in to the DEA for buying something off one of our favorite sights, What gives ?? anything to worry about ???
choke, there is information on here and fitnessgeared. You better go check it out. They have some peoples credit card numbers and posted it on a site. The site is down now. I'm waiting for somebody to PM me the info because I didn't get to look at it before they took it down. When I get it I'll send it to you.
Damn bro, the sight is not down I was just there. It has my name though, I didn't see CC info. The dude is thratening to go to DEA if he doesn't get Chem to do something ? This is crazy. Not the kind of shit I need now.
its fucking bullshit bro! im sorry you got caught up in the info shared by some asshole trying to ruin chem, but chem fucked up to and he has fessed up to fucking up, can i see the mail you got and from who sent it bro, it only takes one asshole to be a dick and fuck you guys over with that info, so i would clean house bro if ur info was on that fucking list

im not trying to scare all you guys but the asshole went as far as listing everones personal info whos to say he wont notify some authorities be it you bought legal shit or not im sure you dont want to have them snoping for other shit they may be lying around the house

please send me the info you got
Anybody know who the guy is that is Fkn with Chem, this is way ove the line, I am beyond pissed off.
This is the E-mail I just recieve when I went to the sight I saw my name.

We are contacting you to be sure you have seen the information that finakits.com/researchkits.com has improperly disposed of. Your attention is needed immediatley. Please visit
www.merchantinvestigations.com for more information.
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com
This is the threat on the sight:

After reviewing several posts we are ready to make our final statement.

First we are not part of any conversation board nor are we affiliated with any other company. As we would like to see them all closed down.

Derek owner of finkits.com/researchkits.com/conversionboard.com is not telling his customers the truth. We have hard core proof of this.

1) He claims to have shredded all of your info and never put it on the curb for pickup. ( See His Statement Here.) This is false as that is where we obtained it.

2) He claims to have always shredded your documents since the beginning but we have looked through ten boxes of orders and have found the oldest one to be Wed. Oct. 30 2002. Then they go all the way up to Feb. 2003

3) He reasures you that the DEA will not show up at your house?? When they see that you ordered 10 kits at a time they will look into distribution and believe me they will. Along with posts that say you've been making and using this product on many steroid boards and Im sure they can pull the files from the fina suppliers. So if you want all this to go away here is what needs to be done.

Voice your opinon to

[email protected]

Let him know you want his site closed for good.


We will post the tracking number of the overnight packages that will be sent

on March 17th 2003 if this does not happen.
Check out my last post in "If you ever ordered...we're fucked thread"... - it talks about Chems rebuttal and other info I got from MM - as Presser stated - It's all bullshit (meaning the asshole, not Chem or his rebuttal!)
yeah but if this idiot send info out to authorities some of you are at a very serious risk, as much as i like chem i have to put the members here first and their saftety, CLEAN THE FUCK UP
True... what I meant was its not a real investigative company - but someone none the less than can do some serious harm to anyone on the list - so Clean House then Kick Some Ass.
I haven't ordered from chem, and I got an e-mail from "investigative solt'n's" - smelling more like a bullshit way to ruin Chem everyday......of all of the social groups in the world, why would you want to piss off a bunch of bodybuilders??
what is the site i would like to know if i have to cancle my credit card if some asshole is going to post it on the web what a dick!!!!
the link is posted near the top on this thread...personally...at this point i could care less...i am tired of given this fuck any more of my time ..fuckin mother fucker...damn...this is retarded....