hgh 6-8 week first timer

big daddy 72

New member
I am a division I football player and am lookin to do a 6-8 week cycle of hgh this summer. I do not know a ton about it but i do know this is considered the best stuff to use and is also undetectable by ncaa tests. Lookin for any input i can get on what specifically I should do.
Ya, definetly. Not just that the price is substantially lower, but IGF cycles typically last around 4-8 weeks anyhow. Theres plenty of info on that on this site, just do a search.
From the reading I've done (I'm thinking of dabbling with IGF also), I haven't seen many comments about strength increase from its use. Just 1 to 2 pounds of lean muscle a week. That is good for a bodybuilder, but if your playing d1 ball I don't think you would want it IMHO, unless you had pro scouts saying you would make a good prospect if you would gain 10 or 20 pounds.
hgh is not worth the money if your not going to run it for a long period of time.
your better off with aas
supermannpc said:
hgh is not worth the money if your not going to run it for a long period of time.
your better off with aas

True, BUT, AAS are tested for by the NCAA while Hgh is not detectable by current testing methods...
Thank you all for the feedback.
So hgh is definitely out of the question, but this igf sounds like it could be very good for football. A 6-8 week cycle could ad 10 lbs of lean muscle and I have been reading about how igf can actually help you have more fast twitch muscle, which is perfect. igf is injected, correct? And also, we do a lot of conditioning in the summer, that wouldn't have a negative affect on the igf would it. Im now lookin into igf and would appreciate any specific details from you guys. thanks.
The best thing i can say is to keep reading up on it. Im sure thats what EVERYONE else here would say. If you do a lot of conditioning, this that and the other thing, make sure you got plenty of carbs and protien on hand at sessions, you'll want it and u'll need it. Legally its not supposed to be injected, but....anyhow....where was I....just do some more research. If you have specific questions after you research the hell out of it, theres guys here with a sufficient amound of experience to help you out. Best of luck bro.
If you going to use the IGF-1 I'd pick 1-2 muscle groups that assist you the most in your sport and inj those only.