
New member
Is there an HGH FAQ somewhere?
I have a truckload of newbie questions, like:
What size needle, 28ga 1cc insulin?
For serostim kits, does .675ml = 1 iu?
So do I have to do 2 separate injections for 3 iu because the syringe is only 1cc?
Do the kits come with the water to mix it with?
If so, should I get bacteriostatic water instead of the water that comes with the kits?
If so, where's the cheapest place to get bacteriostatic water?
Is the exact location of injection important?
Is the time of injection important? All right before bed?

You get the idea.... geez I feel like a complete newbie again :rolleyes:
Can anyone help? I looked at the site that basskiller's site links to but it didn't answer any of these questions.
28 ga works great
The water in the kit is fine,just keep it in the butter section of the fridge after mixing
Inject subQ over your abs to benifit from the loacl lipolytic properties. It really works!
Before bed id good,or before a nap right after a workout for some variety.
5on/2off is a good way to start
If you retain fluid thatz a sign to back down on the dose,3-4U/day is a good starting point IMO.
for an 18iu vial of gh, you add 1 ml of B water or the solution they provide.
on a slin pin 1iu of reconstituted gh is 5.5 iu's on the pin
so if your doing
2iu's ed.. it would be 11iu's on the slin pin
3 iu's ed ...16.5
4iu's ed ....22
5iu's ed....27.5
6iu's ed....33
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. Thanks to CCapel also for the email.

Now I just need to figure out where to get bacteriostatic water cheap. Not sure I'm up for walking into the hospital and asking for it like Mr. 456....
The numbers for the new soma kits.. they're 21iu's of active GH per vial..

The fact is that we have 21iu's of gh in each vial... Now we also have up to 1.6mls of BW to use.. It's not necessary that we use it all..

We need to come up with a nice round number that would be easy to read and remember.
OK If we use 105iu's of water to mix with the GH than we have a ratio of 1:5 1iu of Gh per 5 iu's of water.

So if your doing
2ius ed then thats 10 on a slin pin
3ius ed then thats 15 on a slin pin
4ius ed then thats 20 on a slin pin
5ius ed then thats 25 on a slin pin
and so on
CJWolford said:
If you're gonna take 6 days to go through 1 vial, wouldn't it be best to get the BS h2o though?

That was my thought too. I'm only going to do 3iu's a day, so I need it to last awhile in the fridge.
So back to the question ---> where to get BS H2O cheap?

Basskiller-you're a genius. So, are you saying that there is 18iu's of GH in each vial of Serostim? (so they would come with 7 vials and somatropins would come with 6, right?)

To apply your method to a Serostim kit, you would add 90iu of H20 to a vial, and the same easily remembered numbers would apply:
2ius = 10 on a slin pin
3ius = 15 on a slin pin
4ius = 20 on a slin pin
5ius = 25 on a slin pin
and so on.....
if you take a slin pin and draw out 100 units ( a full load in the pin) of water and inject into your 18iu's of serostim powder and divide 100 (water) by 18 (gh dry powder) you will come up 5.5...take a fresh slip pin and draw out 5.5 you will now have one unit of mixed GH...so for 4 units you will draw out to the 22 marking on the pin...make sure you understand how to do the math in mixing and drawing out....
make sure that you turn the bottle side ways and drip the water onto the side of the powder bottle very slow... then swirl the water and powder bottle very carefully.. until all the powder is devolved into the water...
Very good advice.

I want to try the eurojets next, since they actually do come with the bacstat water. That way 1 vial would just last me 1 week perfectly.

I figure i'll add 105 iu/water to the euro, or 90 iu to the export kits, whichever i decided to do.

Who has that source that just sells bac stat water? he was posted on FB not too long ago....
Yeah gear101, I get the math, lol! I'm edjumucated, don't worry!
Adding 90iu of water would work too though, right? That way I would only take out an even 15 for 3iu GH....
Anyway, thanks for all the advice, yes I know about the careful mixing and all, I'm slowly removing my head from my ass on this subject.... :)
CJ - good luck on acquiring the eurojets, hopefully it's too soon for them to be counterfeited. keep us in the loop, hope you get them soon.
46and2aheadofme said:

That was my thought too. I'm only going to do 3iu's a day, so I need it to last awhile in the fridge.
So back to the question ---> where to get BS H2O cheap?

Basskiller-you're a genius. So, are you saying that there is 18iu's of GH in each vial of Serostim? (so they would come with 7 vials and somatropins would come with 6, right?)

To apply your method to a Serostim kit, you would add 90iu of H20 to a vial, and the same easily remembered numbers would apply:
2ius = 10 on a slin pin
3ius = 15 on a slin pin
4ius = 20 on a slin pin
5ius = 25 on a slin pin
and so on.....

Closer to 91, but you got it
Hey, can i use a terumo 0.05cc 29x 1/2" needle to shoot the GH?

I figure 0.05 cc is 5 iu, so i'd just do 5 iu per injection, and do 3 injections throughout the day....????
You don't want to use anything short of a slin pin... You'll waste alot of gh in the where the pin screws on to the case
Then yes... but remember that it is only 1/2 a cc pin (I never used them before) where as the the 28 is a full cc and what we are measuring with...

I do not know how it is exactly calibrated..