Hi all Middle east bodybuilder here ... got a question related to gh .

wow it seems like there are ALOT of haters in this thread. What's with the negativity?

This guy is 265 and can definitely take 2 A50's everyday for seven weeks while takin liv52 without any liver problems. A friend of mine who is HIV + uses 3 ed for a year straight (know what your talking about before you bash someone for what they're doing).

As for the test, 2g isn't nec. overkill. Deca and EQ might be but at the same time everyone reacts differently.

I think you should be fine as long as you get blood work done and if anything comes up (side effect wise) look into asap. Good luck and Nolva does not have anything to do with GH in a combinational sense as far as I've heard. I've used Nolva and GH at the same time with good results.

right! i run a g a week of test on almost every cycle and i've run up to 2500mg before. that's how you get to the next level, unfortunately. at least for competitors. never had any bloodwork issues at all either. eq and deca combined is a good combo. you get the vascularity and appetite from the eq and you get the anabolic properties of deca. it's more about the individual perks of each drug that matter in that situation more than the receptor issue. that was my first thought when i heard about guys stacking the 2. i was like, why? but i tried it and i like it very much. to be honest i'm quite jealous of the guys in the mid east and thailand. they have a lot of good stuff at their disposal and it's very very cheap! i love the iranian test enanthate. a lot of good physiques are coming from the mideast, imo.