High Concentrate Test

how long do u recommend off cycle 8 wks tren, mast, test400?

I don't think there is a right answer. Some say time on is time off and others say until your hormones read normal which takes a long ass time in my opinion. I m in the group of whatever you want it to be. After 2 months is good enough for me.
t400 200mg test enanth,200 cyp, 25mg prop im getting ready to use is DK DENKALL. first time with it so we will see anyone know about it?
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t400 200mg test enanth,200 cyp, 25mg prop im getting ready to use is DK DENKALL. first time with it so we will see anyone know about it?

nope dont know much about it brutha, sorry! not sure i even like a blend that would have cyp and enanthate together, but thats just me